Senin, 06 Februari 2017

Master Bedroom

One of our first big projects we did at our house was the bedroom makeover!  Nate made a deal with me when we were furniture hunting.  He wanted these very WHITE kitchen chairs, which look gorgeous, but I was just imagining every food dying them another color.

I wanted something a little more stain friendly, but then got smart.  What if he got the chairs he wanted and gave me full decorating power for the master bedroom?  Miraculously, he agreed, and I went to town!

I already knew my color scheme - grey and purple. Pre-Pinterest (how did we survive without it??) I came across this photo and it was my inspiration.

I knew I wanted a bold yet warm shade of purple for the walls, and was searching for the perfect hue.  I came across this post and fell in love with the Sherwin Williams Kimono on the walls.  Up it went!

I also absolutely knew I wanted accent wallpaper on one wall - another reason I knew this deal had to be made!  NO chance would Nate let me wallpaper in our brand new house without this deal!  We spent quite a bit of time wallpaper hunting (which is actually really hard!  Most are still old grandma wallpaper - that stuff still sells??).  Finally we found the perfect paper at Lowe's, and up that went!  We loved the result!  I think Nate even likes it, though slow to admit it.


These pictures were taken when we did this project in June 2011.  Here is a more current state of the bedroom.  Yes, I know my cell phone pics suck.  

We bought our furniture when we bought our house, and I thought I would love this bed.  Turns out, I still respect it and it does the job, but my pillow gets stuck in the crevice between the headboard and mattress, and it is also a queen size bed.  I am pushing 6' and Nate is 6'7" so we really could use a king size bed (understatement of the year).  Plus, then this bed could be for guests!

I have been browsing for bed inspiration and REALLY wanted a canopy bed, but we have a ceiling fan in the middle of our master and that wouldn't work so well.  Now I am taking it one step down to a 4 poster bed, and lusting after those.  

A couple favorites:

I think this last one is my favorite at the moment.  Alas, we do not have the funds for a new bed right now, but maybe someday!  

Also on the list are curtains, lights for my vanity and a vanity chair/stool.  The never ending list.

The Master Bath also came with my deal, and my wheels have been spinning!  I am willing to be a little more collaborative with Nate on this room, however. More to come!

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