Minggu, 12 Februari 2017

Activities for a Day of Un Plugging from Technology

This year my family will be participating in our first National Unplugging Day.
I am super excited to take a day off!
Although I wouldn't say we are addicted to tech since my husband and I make an effort to limit it, we still use technology plenty! Between the television, cell phones, Kindles, and laptops, we are surrounded by unintentional sources of disconnect from each other. I'm so ready to have an excuse to turn it all off for a day!

Ready to commit to a day of unplugging?
Here are some tips and ideas!

1. Make a plan. If you rely on a maps app for driving around, make sure you know directions to your destinations. If you are meeting up with friends and family, have the time and place determined so you don't have to call around and ask where everyone is at.

2. Motivate the kids. If you have tweens or teens, a day without a cell phone or I-pod can seem daunting. Some kids start to feel physically sick! So prepare them beforehand, and let them help you plan a fun day. Reassure them, and energize them about taking a day off. Their bodies and brains will enjoy the rest.

3. Set a positive example. As you spend time with your family or friends, try not to moan about missing your phone and Facebook feed. Instead of wondering aloud what others are doing and getting sucked into the FOMO (fear of missing out), just enjoy the moment. Take a mental picture of that nature scene. Feel that hug. Soak in the sunshine. I know I'm getting cheesy here, but set an example for enjoying the moment you are living.

Now onto ideas for a day with no technology. . .

Ready for this? 
Do your normal activities, just with no tech.
It really is that simple.

You can still go to the grocery store, visit the park, or go shopping. You can still hang out at home. You can still go visit friends, or go on a date with your spouse!
Just leave your phone off. Keep the TV turned off. Put all headphones away.

If you need to plan a getaway in order to make the transition easier, here are some more ideas:

1. Get out into nature. You could visit a state park, go hiking, or plant some flowers!
2. Go to the library and pick out a book. 
3. Pack up a lunch, go for a drive, and enjoy a picnic.
4. Visit the craft store, buy some art supplies, and create your own artwork!

 As you can see, celebrating a day of unplugging doesn't mean you have to drastically change your weekend routine. Just power down, and enjoy the time spent building relationships and making memories. You can do it!

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