Sabtu, 05 Agustus 2017

Happy Hallo Weekend

Wow, what a fun Halloween weekend!
I renamed it Hallo-weekend because the whole weekend was filled with Halloween activities & parties!

On Saturday we went to a Halloween Party at the Eakin's house.
(Originally, I made the girls these pumpkin shirts for Kate to wear to her preschool Pumpkin Party, but she had a runny nose & cough, so we kept her home that day.)
The party was a good old fashioned Halloween party complete with pumpkin carving, bobbing for apples & potato sack races.
And, they had a donut on a string eating contest!
Kate was REALLY into this. She waited patiently for the first 2 rounds of kids to have their turn & then she was ready to go!
It was hysterical, she kept licking the donut.
Eventually, I told her she could use her hands to eat it. I wish I had taken of video of her trying to eat the donut on the string. All the kids were hysterical!
Claire helped Kate finish off her donut!
After the Halloween Party, we had to go home & get ready for our next door neighbor's Surprise 40th Birthday Party. It was also Costume/Halloween Party and I wasn't sure what to dress up as until 6 that night. I pulled together this outfit.
That is the actual dress I wore to my Senior Prom...circa 1997.
The crown is from Kate & Claire's dress up bin & then I cut a piece of fabric I had & wrote PROM QUEEN on it with Sharpie. Yay for free Halloween costumes!
Kevin dressed up as an 80's guy, using his outfit & wig from the 80's party we went to last month.
Then, on Sunday it was Halloween!
Claire was SUPER GIRL
(and, Boulder was a Bumble Bee)

Claire liked running around pretending to fly like Super Girl
Kate doing her best Wonder Woman pose
The 4 of us!
We decided to stick around our neighborhood & trick or treat with some of our neighbors.
Wonder Woman Kate leading the way!
Here are some of the kids on our court that we trick or treated with!
Claire kept stopping & eating candy as the night went on. It was hysterical.
We went trick or treating for almost an hour. The girls loved it
They got a good stash of candy:
When we got home, it was time for our traditional Halloween dinner, Taco Soup & Cornbread
while we watched the Giants game & waited for trick or treaters to come to our house!
And, for dessert (because we needed more sugar) were cake balls!
They are orange & black in honor of the Giants & Halloween!
At our old house, we would maybe get 5 trick or treaters.
So, this year, I just bought 1 bag of candy.
I was NOT prepared for the amount of trick or treaters we get at this house.
I ran out of candy & had to give out some of the girls candy while Kevin went to the store to buy more candy! It was SO fun having so many trick or treaters!
The girls LOVED passing out candy to all the kids who came to the door.
Here is Claire "organizing" the new candy that Kevin bought.
I live in the same neighborhood that I teach in, so I had so many students who trick or treated at my house. The look on their faces when I answered the door was always shock..."Trick or Treat...oh........! Hi Mrs. Larson!"

And, last but not least, here is our front porch with our pumpkins & zuchinni all lit up:
Every year Kevin carves a zucchini from his dad's garden.
And, the pumpkin on the right, with the beard is in honor of the SF Giants pitcher Brian Wilson, Fear the Beard!

Hope you all had a fun & safe Halloween weekend!

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