Senin, 07 Agustus 2017

Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa Torture 2013

Happy Monday!
We had a really fun & busy weekend.
Kevin's work party was Friday night, Kate had a birthday party on Saturday, we had our court Christmas party on Saturday night and then on Sunday we went to visit Santa.

Nothing makes me happier than crying kids on Santa's lap. 
Both my girls screamed/cried on Santa's lap when they were younger. 
Let's take a walk down memory lane.....

Claire's 1st Christmas {3 months}, Kate {23 months}
Claire {15 months}, Kate {2.5 years old}
Kate {3.5 years old} & Claire {2 years old}
Kate {4.5 years old} & Claire {3 years old}
 In 2011, they both smiled.  The streak was over. But in 2011, I had just found out I was pregnant with Luke, so I was hoping for another Santa screamer ;)
Last year {2012} Luke was just 4 months old and he LOVED Santa:

The brother cousins Luke & Jack last year:
We went to see Santa yesterday & also went with my sister & Jack.
 Jack did not disappoint.

LOVE it.
 Of course, we had to do another brother cousin photo.
 I knew that this year would be my chance for Luke to have a crying Santa photo.
He is a really happy guy & never cries when we drop him off at Sunday school, etc.
I put him on Santa's lap...
Luke is checking out Santa. Jack is still pissed.

Luke is wavering....not sure what to think. Jack is angry. Very angry.
Get me off this guy's lap!
 And, we have a winner!!!!!! 
 Then, we took the boys off Santa's lap and I consoled Luke.
It was time for the girls to go on Santa's lap, and I needed a sibling photo, so Luke went back on his lap.
Luke is like "Are you kidding me?!?!

Did you really put me back on his lap?
 Luke...looking over at my mom, silently pleading for help.
 And, we have another money shot. YES.
Then, I rescued Luke so that the girls could tell Santa what they wanted.
I love our Santa in our town because it is FREE and you can take your own photos!
As many as you want.
 The girls were having a grand old time with Santa. He asked them what they wanted. They both said, "I don't know." Santa asked if they wanted him to surprise them. They said, "Sure". 
 Sweater {here}  Skirt {Here} Shoes {Here}
Luke's Outfit:
Shirt {Here} Pants {Here} Shoes {Here}
I got the girls their outfits during the Cyber Monday sales (and most of these stores are having 30%-40% off sales today also!)
Then, we realized we needed a photo with all the cousins, so we put the boys back on Santa's lap.
I could look at these photos all day.
There is nothing that makes me smile like crying kids on Santa's lap.
Hope these photos brought a smile to your face today.
Happy Monday, indeed :)

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