Minggu, 20 Agustus 2017

New Years!

We had the best New Year's this year! The night before NYE we went over to a friend's house for a little kid's New Year's party. They had a blast! 

Then for actual NYE, we went to the Mall of America with our friends Alex and Jina (who we ALWAYS hang out with on NYE but usually we stay in) and my parents because they were in town for the Vikings game! We thought it would be so fun to bring Bradley on some rides and eat at Benihana.

Bradley was so happy to see Mr Grouper!

The one problem - they kept the amusement park open super late for NYE so it was PACKED! We didn't end up bringing Bradley on any rides. And he is a tiny bit too short for the Bubble Guppies ride. Someday!

So we went and ate our delicious Benihana dinner. Bradley was amazing and played his ABCs and watched Guppies the whole time.

That is until the ice cream came out. :) Yum!

This kid. Loves his Papa so much! I told him to say "Cheese!" and he looked at Papa and did this! So sweet! 

True love.

Then we came home and I took down Christmas. I'm always sad to take it down but also relieved. I take my holiday decor out promptly and put it away equally as promptly!

Bradley played with this firehouse that his cousins handed down to him! He is obsessed and loves moving the elevator up and down and flying the helicopter around.

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday! 

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