Kamis, 16 Maret 2017

rounding up to four months

Truman is almost 4 months old and I just can't get over how much fun we are having in this stage of his life. I'm told it just keeps getting better and better which is hard to imagine because he is so incredibly entertaining right now. I feel like an update is in order.

But first, let's view a few pictures, shall we?

monkey feet

Nice gams.

My little thigh-master, knee dimple and all.

the explorers, and mighty yummy, apparently.

blonde eyebrows?

Talking to his buddies while performing extensive leg lifts, all a part of his strict exercise regime.

Caterpillar 'summer' onesie by the one and only Missouri Grandma!




"Moooooom. You are SO annoying!"

Nap time in the co-sleeper with sophie watching intently...

Okay so he's totally obsessed with eating his hands these days and it's the cutest thing ever. He'll very slowly clasp them together in front of his face then stare at them intently, then bring them into his mouth and chomp away. He's also gotten really good at grabbing for toys and putting them in his mouth, too. Do you see a theme here? This boy is oral for sure.


He's rolling side to side a lot and even rolled from his tummy to his back once when I was prepping to snap a picture of him. I couldn't believe what I just saw through my viewfinder because it happened so fast, but Truman wasn't upset by the startling roll at all and continued to eat his hand like it was nbd. I'll call that a milestone though and will wait for it to be more consistent over the next weeks.


Oh, and he totally let out an official, unmistakable laugh the other night. He chuckles and coos and talks all the freaking time but it never sounds quite like a true laugh, until now. Melt my heart all over again, why don't you?







Another 'first': all of a sudden he totally gets tummy time now. This past week we just put him on his tummy one night and noticed that holy crap, the boy is actually lifting his head up to it's maximum angle and is even looking around once it's up there! Not that he sucked at head control before this but it's so cute to see him finally understand what he's supposed to do when he's on his tummy---and it's NOT supposed to be slamming his nose into the ground like used to happen. My baby is growing up so fast! (I could repeat this line over and over again throughout this post and probably the next 100 posts but I'll just say it once and be done with it).







Lots of 'firsts' around here as we head to his four month birthday. It's hard to believe that one year at this time I was pregnant with Truman but didn't know it yet. My what a difference a year makes.

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