Selasa, 06 Juni 2017

Christmas 2014

Bradley's first Christmas is in the books!  We had a fun filled week!

Last weekend I made some Andes Mint cookies that were very festive.

And lots of other healthy eats!

Of course I wore holiday apparel this week at work.

I had to work Christmas Eve, so we weren't sure if we would be able to make it to a service.  Bradley was ready to go though so we went!

They had live animals which was so fun!  We made it about 3/4 of the way through the service, then Bradley said it was time to go. :)  So we went home and had some hot chocolate.

He also turned 4 months old!

Nate and I also traded gifts on Christmas Eve, and I was so excited to find out he got me a monitor and keyboard to hook my laptop up to!  Giant blogging!

Sidebar - how cute is the nativity scene my mom got for Bradley's room?  So adorable and these things are like Barbie sized!!  Forgot to post in the Christmas tours. :)

And check out this amazing elephant my mom's friend KNIT for Bradley!  Incredible!  Such a treasure!

On Christmas day we relaxed a little in the morning.

We had purchased one present for Bradley.  Mostly because we weren't sure what to get but also because we are buying things left and right for him once we figure out what we need!  (First time parent problems). :)

He likes it!


Loving it!

Then we did some cooking and cleaning to get the house ready!

Nate's family came over later in the day and we exchanged gifts.

Bradley was the center of attention!

On the 26th, our yearly ornament arrived in the mail!  I procrastinated on this one.  These ornaments are so special to us!

Nate and I also started learning Settlers of Catan.  So far we aren't addicted, but it could happen.

I also still haven't taken these jammies off.  I lie, I took them off once to wash them.  But they are back on!

Then today Nate went to the Vikings game and Bradley and I hung out and went to Starbucks!

Love long weekends with the little man!

I hope everyone had an amazing Christmas!  Trying to not get depressed that it is over!

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