Sabtu, 24 Juni 2017

Giving Thanks

So much to be thankful for.
My healthy & happy little family:
2 little girls who keep me on my toes:
This sweet girl who has a heart of gold:
This fiesty Daddy's Girl:
And an amazing husband who puts up with me & my shenanigans.
Thankful for a God who loves me,
Family & Friends who encourage & support me,
and a job that I love.
I am extremely thankful for our friend Steve Hoffmann who took our family pictures when he was in town for a wedding a few weeks ago.
(If you live in So Cal and need family pics, he is doing mini sessions this weekend!)

And, thank YOU for reading. I appreciate each and everyone of you taking the time to read!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, friends & food!

"Give thanks to the Lord, for HE is good. His love endures forever" Psalm 107:1

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