Jumat, 23 Juni 2017

Week In Pictures

Recent happenings through the eyes of my phone camera.

Sprinkles got a haircut!

AMAZING lunch at Smack Shack!  Lobster heaven!!

Watching Behind the Candelabra on HBO - so good!

Pumped about my dog walking boots!

Chimi is thrilled the Bachelorette is back!

Seahorses on my shirt.

SO honored to be invited to this wedding and happy they will be legal!  Go Minnesota!

Hot pink nails!  Sinful Colors 24/7

Benihana to celebrate my bestie!  We felt less rough than we look. :)

Nate's sister surprised him with old home videos on DVD.  So fun and special to see them as babies!

Chimi found a comfy place to sit.

Sprinkles prefers softer spots.

Eating my random lunch with the girls and Natey outside!  Love the sun!!

Picking out patio pavers.

Was cracking up yesterday when I was watering the plants and turned around to see the little girls rolling and sliding down the hill like it was a slip and slide!

Watched my favorite girls at their recital (remember my flower girls?)!  They are so talented!

Last but not least - the band that played at our wedding (and we are wannabe groupies of) just posted this promotional video shot at our wedding!  Such great memories!  We love Brat Pack Radio!

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