Senin, 17 April 2017

Friday Favorites a FitBit Giveaway!

Yay! It's Friday!
Today I'm linking up with Friday Favorites!
Hosted by: Andrea, Erika & Narci

I don't know about you, but I am SO happy it is Friday.
The first week back to school after a 2 week Christmas Break is ROUGH.

This was me on Monday....
.....anyone else feel that way? Amen.

Now...onto my favorites!

Christmas Break was my favorite, for the 2nd week of break we headed to one of my favorite places...our cabin in Tahoe!
 We spent the majority of our 5 days there in our pj's or snow clothes.
We had slow mornings & we had lots of pancakes:
 Lots of time sledding:
 Hours of playing Super Mario Bros as a family:
 Lots of time looking out the window at the beautiful scenery:
 We had cinnamon rolls for breakfast a few times:
 It was so relaxing & there was so much snow.

Snow is my favorite. I wish I lived where it snowed. That was one of my favorite things about going to college in Colorado :)

I also was able to spend a lot of time reading in Tahoe! We don't have internet, so it is so nice to not be distracted by it, I read 4 books in 5 days!!!
I ended 2015 with reading 35 books!
Next week I am planning post about the books I read in 2015. Stay tuned!

Getting the stomach flu while in Tahoe was NOT my favorite.
We spent NYE at our cabin playing Super Mario Bros & I drank Gatorade.
Here I am in all my glory posing for a photo on how I felt.
You are Welcome. LOL!!!

I look like a hot mess. At least I was cozy in my Pajama Pants & Blardigan.
 I didn't even make it to midnight...I stay awake until midnight EVERY night...even on school nights (I am a Night Owl!) But I fell asleep on the couch at 11:40 on NYE.

 Because I was sick on New Years Eve, we didn't get to do our annual NYE celebration with some of our best friends (they have a cabin in Tahoe down the street from us, so the past few years we have NYE together)

So on Saturday after we all got home to the Bay Area we went to dinner to celebrate a belated NYE.
It was such a fun night. 
Hanging out with them is my favorite!

Like most people, I like to start eating healthier in January after all the extra goodies/food/drinks I had during the holidays.
I wanted to highlight some of my favorite healthy snacks that I have been making lately:
Chocolate Peanut Butter Avocado Smoothie {Recipe HERE}
No Bake Energy Protein Balls {Recipe HERE}
 Another one of my goals is to make a healthy snack for the kids to have available every day after school while they do their homework.
This week I made my Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins (but I forgot to put in the chocolate chips!)  They were delicious even without chocolate chips....and healthier!
Recipe is {HERE}
They also love my Chocolate Chip Zuchini Muffins
Recipe {HERE}

Sneaking veggies into their food is my favorite :)
You can also make these healthier by omitting the chocolate chips!

Hosting a Favorite Things Party is my favorite!

If you missed my post on it earlier this week you can see it {HERE}

I usually do Favorite Things parties in December, but you could do them any time of year!

I wanted to highlight one of the gifts that my friend brought as her favorite thing because it is also one of my favorite things!
Do you have THIS brush?
My mom told me about them 3 years ago and let me tell you....LIFE CHANGING.
My girls have the most senstive heads and brushing their hair was a pain...enter the wet brush! They don't hurt and work so well!

I have this paddle one for myself.

These are the ones the girls have.

When we were in Tahoe, the girls were wearing snow hats most of the day & I don't think we brushed their hair for a few days....ha! Claire had a huge rats nest in her hair. I was able to brush it out easily with the wet brush! LOVE it.

Netflix is my favorite.
We started watching Making a Murderer last weekend.
I can't EVEN.
Please, watch it!!!!! AHHHH!!

Starting the year of organized is my favorite.
That got a little delayed for me since the stomach flu lingered for a few days, but this week I have been trying to get back into organization mode.
What works for me is getting my week organzined on Sunday so that I start Monday ready to go.

It is one of my favorite posts on being organized is {THIS} post I wrote 2 years with tips on how to have a Not So Manic Monday & how you can set yourself up for a smooth week!
This includes meal planning for the week, etc!

Did you make New Years's resolutions?
I saw this on FB earlier this week:

If taking care of your skin is one of your resolutions, I can help you!!!

I would love to help you with your skin care needs...wrinkles, sun damage, pregnancy melasma, acne (teens & adults) senstitve ski, rosacea....we have products for ALL skin types!
Find out what is best for your skin by taking this quick 6 question survey:
 Reverse is one of my favorite regimens. It got rid of my pregnancy melasma.
Seeing Before & After photos are my favorite!
 All our products come with a 60 Day, empty bottle 100% money back guarantee!

 For all new preferred customers you get $20 cash back, 10% off your order, FREE shipping AND a FREE Lip Micro-Dermabrasion stick.

It is my FAVORITE for the winter weather that causes chapped lips!
It removes dead skin cells and exfoliates flaky lip tissues in just a few swipes. This easy to use, conditioning treatment makes lips look and feel more defined and youthful by renewing the surface and reducing lipstick bleeding. I use it each morning and every night before bed. This was a life savor in Lake Tahoe with the cold snowy weather!
The stick lasts over 4 months!

Email me today with questions or to place an order!
If one of your New Years Resolutions is to change your finances...I want to suggest joining Rodan + Fields. It has been such a blessing for us & has allowed me to stay teaching part time instead of full time.
We have a signing bonus for the 1st TWO people who join me in business this month.
Let's chat!

Rain is my favorite!!!!
These are my favorite rain boots. So glad I can finally wear them!
I got them a few years ago, but then we have been in a major drought for 3 years, so they have barely been worn!

Planning parties is my favorite.....right now I am planning Kate's 9th Birthday Party!
I can't believe she is turning 9 in just 2 weeks!!
Here is a sneak peek of her invitation that I made:
She wanted a Roller Skating Party this year!
Bring on the bright colors, neon & roller skates!

Her birthday always sneaks up on me since it's less than a month after Christmas, I am just now mailing out the invites. Oops!

My fit bit is my favorite! I got one last May. My favorite part is not seeing how many steps I take, but seeing my sleep patterns!

I'm excited at the chance to give one away!!!
You have a choice of THIS one


THIS one.

{I have the flex & like it because it is smaller}

To enter, use the rafflecopter below!
Hope you survived the first week of 2016...Enjoy your weekend!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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