Rabu, 19 April 2017

10 on 10 July 2016

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button 
Here is a snapshot of the 10th which was Sunday. We went to the Saturday night church service, so our Sunday morning was nice & mellow.  I admired my new L sign that I got the day before from one of my local friends who makes these awesome signs. I LOVE it!
I went on a 7 mile run before it got too hot.
 After my run I made bacon & my Monkey Bread for brunch. It was a nice day, so we ate outside.
 Monkey Bread recipe HERE

My mother in law & I made our Homemade Strawberry Jam on Friday (over 50 jars!!!) and I had the jars stored upside down before I put them in the freezer on Sunday.
Recipe & Jam Tutorial HERE

One of our friends dropped off a bag of costumes that her son outgrew....Claire & Luke had so much fun going through the costumes & trying them on. They played Star Wars in the front yard.
 Then I headed to Home Depot to get some new plants for our backyard. We are in the middle of a backyard re-model & it's time to plant!
 I also headed to the local Fruit Stand/Farmers Market to pick up some fresh produce for the week.
 The kids swam & Kate was making underwater videos with THIS camera that she got for Christmas. She loves it!
 Dinnertime....Fresh Corn on the cob that I grilled on the BBQ, Oven Roasted zucchini & squash from my garden & Tri Tip seasoned with Montreal seasoning. YUM! Summer food is the best!
 We put the kids to bed right at 8pm since they have camp this week & then we relaxed in the hot tub with a glass of wine. My legs were sore from my 7 mile run!
 It was the perfect ending to a fun filled weekend & day!
Hope you had a great 10th....I love looking back at each 10th of the month and seeing how we spent our ordinary days!

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