Jumat, 14 April 2017

Show Tell Tuesday California Love

Today I am linking up with Andrea for Show + Tell Tuesday.

We are sharing our Hometown....I will be sharing about the San Francisco Bay Area since that is where I was born & raised and that is currently where we live. 
I'm not sharing what town we live in because I don't need the internet to know where we live, but I will say that we live in a suburb of the San Francisco Bay Area :)

We live in the town that Kevin & I both grew up in. I remember as a kid I always thought our town was so boring. I said I would never live here. But after going away to college, I realized how great  our town was and that I was lucky to grow up in such an awesome area.
Our town is a safe place to live.
We have tons of parks, open spaces and walking/running/biking trails.
 There are tons of trees & hills...it is so gorgeous this time of year in the Spring, everything is green!
We have a cute downtown area with lots of shops & restaurants that are locally owned. We also have a cute shopping area that also has fun shops & restaurants.
I love that there are NOT a lot of chain stores/restaurants. A lot of our town is small business based & locally owned.

We have a weekly Farmers market & our Farmers Market is open all year round, so we have locally grown & organic foods at our disposal!
 We have concerts in the park in the summer, amazing schools & it's a family friendly town.
I feel so fortunate to raise our kids here!

One of my favorite things about living in the Bay Area is how close we are to a lot of fun places.

We are 30 minutes from San Francisco, so it's a quick trip if we want to head into the city. 
In February, I was in San Francisco 3 out of 4 weekends....to check out Super Bowl City, Rodan + Fields Leadership Center & for my sister in laws Birthday!

Another fun thing about being so close to San Francisco is being able to go to SF Giants baseball games....I know I am biased, but I think we have the best stadium in baseball!
  I heart San Francisco.
 We are less than 1 hour from Napa & Sonoma Wine Country:
Napa is the most beautiful in Spring when all the yellow mustard is in bloom.

But I also love it in the Fall, when we get fall color in the vineyards:
 We are 1 hour from Santa Cruz/Capitola/Seascape which is awesome if you want to go to the beach for a beach trip

We are 1.5 hours from Carmel/Monterey/Pebble Beach:
 Lake Tahoe is under 3 hours away. 

My happy place. Anytime of year.
Or Summer:
I love Tahoe year round!

This past weekend we had a wedding in Pismo Beach which was also just a 3 hour drive to the Central Coast of California.
Next month we are headed to Yosemite for the weekend...just 3 hours away.
Our kids haven't been...the girls are so excited. Yosemite is so majestic.

I love that living in the Bay Area, you can drive a little bit in any direction & you will have a variety of places you can go...beach, wine country, the mountains, farmland or the desert.

I love that we don't have humidity or bugs :)

I will always call California my home....but Boulder, Colorado holds a special place in my heart.

My senior year of high school I was deciding where to go to college & my final 2 choices for college & playing soccer in college were University of Colorado or Cal Berkeley.One of the reasons that I chose Colorado is because Cal was close to home and I had lived in the SF Bay Area my entire life and I wanted to experience a new town & new state.

For 4 years in college I lived in the amazing town of Boulder, Colorado.
Going to school there was one of the best decisions of my life. 
Boulder is such a fun town & incredibly beautiful.

One of my favorite things about living in Colorado is that for the first time in my life, I got to experience seasons! 
I loved living where there were 4 seasons. I really loved living where it snowed. I LOVE snow!
We don't really have seasons here in the Bay Area, so I loved that part of Colorado.
If our families weren't also in the SF Bay Area, I would move to Colorado in a heartbeat.
Plus, the cost of living is a lot less.
We pay a pretty penny to live here in the Bay Area, but it is worth it to us to be near our families.
 Plus, we don't have humidity, bugs or drastic temperatures.
California Lovin' for sure!
The only other place I wish I lived is Stars Hollow ;)
That town has my name written all over it!

So, there you have it...a little bit about where I live & have lived...which is only 2 places.
I have not moved around very much AT ALL...basically only living in 2 places in my whole life.
You could say I am sheltered ;)

If you are interested in things to do in any of the places that I have listed (San Francisco, Napa, Sonoma, Pebble Beach, Carmel, Capitola, Seascape, Lake Tahoe, etc) You can search my blog on the side bar & check out my posts about those places! Or send me an email & I will give you my favorite things to do, see & places to eat!

Northern California is a really beautiful place. It is totally different than Southern California. I am definitely more partial to Nor Cal...So Cal has tons of traffic & smog...no fun!
But, I do  love seeing & visiting parts of our country.
On my bucket list is to visit all 50 states.
Here is a map of the states I have been to (in red)
I have gone to 34 out of 50 states (plus I have gone to Washington DC)
Only 16 states left to visit!

I can't wait to read about where you live!

If you are new to my blog, thanks for stopping by!
Feel free to follow along! 
You can find me on Bloglovin, Facebook & Instagram

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