Selasa, 11 April 2017

10 on 10 December 2014

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}
ten on ten button

Can you believe it? December 10th.....that means it is the last 10 on 10 of 2014.
The 10th fell on a Wednesday. Wednesdays are our crazy day. 
It is Wacky Wednesday for my school and also the girls school. 
They get out early on Wednesdays, I get out late.
On the way out the door....loving all the fall leaves in my front yard. 
Here was my outfit for the day (you will be seeing it again for January Pin-Spired...we skipped December because of the holidays!)
These are my favorite, favorite, favorite boots.  They are 20% off right now!I got them last Fall and I wear them 3-4 times a week. 
My shirt arrived in yesterday's Stitch Fix! Seriously love Stitch Fix!
  Boots // Black Pants // Shirt // Scarf
At school, I was working on grading & passing back my students Bargain Hunting Project.
This was a fun project. I gave them a "budget" of $150 and they had to "buy" 5 different gifts for 5 family members or friends. They had 5 "coupons" to use 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% off. They had to look on the internet and find the gifts, print out the photos, use the coupons and add in the tax. Their total had to be between $140 and $150 without going over (or under). They also had to write a paragraph  about their gifts, why they chose them and why the used specific coupons. It was a really fun project!
Wednesdays are block days at my school so I see half my classes for 1.5 hours each. I always try and do a fun activity on these days and of course, I give out candy as prizes. 7th graders love candy :)
 After school, I picked up Claire & Luke from my in laws. Luke is OBSESSED with trains (which is why I threw him a Choo Choo Luke is Two Birthday Party {HERE}. My mother in law said he played with their Christmas train almost all morning.
Kate has been begging to take chess class. They offer it at her school for after school enrichment. She has been asking for almost a year, so we finally signed her up. This was her first time. She loved it. Love my little nerd :)
 Getting gas on the way home....gas is under $3 in California!!!!! It's a Christmas miracle!!

 When we got home, it was homework time, but first the girls wanted to play with Kate's Arcade Game. This was part of her homework this past week. Her class watched this video on You Tube called "Caine's Arcade" Have you heard of it? I encourage you to watch it, it is so awesome.
Website {HERE} Video {HERE}
 Kate & all of her classmates watched this video and they all decided they wanted to make a cardboard arcade just like Caine. Kate's game is called "Pluck the Duck" She thought of it all on her own & Kevin helped her build it. Her class is  going to have a cardboard arcade at their school after the New Year to help raise money for inner city schools. Love it!

 Keeping an eye on the storm clouds.....apparently the Storm of the Century is hitting us today in California. I think the media is over hyping it, but I am so thankful we are getting a lot of rain. We have been in a drought for 3 years & need rain desperately!
Everynight we read the girls one of their books from their Christmas Book Advent. On nights that I read to them, we read them on the couch next to the Christmas tree & then we snuggle.  The girls fell asleep cuddled up with me last night. Love.
 We usually have white outdoor lights, but the girls begged us for colored lights this year :)
So, there you have it! Our 10th of December in pictures!
Hope you had a great 10th & fellow Californians...stay safe out there!!!

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