Senin, 08 Mei 2017

family tradition

Apparently we have a little family tradition: each year, I make handmade Christmas cards with photos on them. Since this is my third Christmas on this blog, I have nicely chronicled posts about these labors of love cards: 2007, and 2008 if you care about these sorts of things. And last year, we had the fabulous Andrea Weiss---friend, budding photographer, and fellow pregnant lady---take our pics for these cards. Remember? Well why mess with good thing? We just had to rope her in to snap some pics of our little family, complete with a Christmas-related prop for Henry again. Although his full blown Santa costume was a hit last year, we certainly couldn't re-use the same suit again. We found something just as cute and every bit as hated by dear Henry: a hat that stays on by his ears. Oh, can't you tell by his face that he just loves it?

So which do you like best for our cards this year?

1. (I almost broke this swing with my pregnant arse, for real)

2. (don't you love how a ray of light is hitting my gut here, highlighting the bump? Actually, Henry's facial expression is my fave here).

3. (Henry looks stoned, we look cute)

4. (Love me some b&w action)

5. (silhouette of love....try not to barf)

6. (belly shots as requested by our dear photog:) )

7. (this one might be going on a new blog header in the future, for sure. Good thing I painted my nails so my hands don't look like the man hands....right?)

8. (or maybe we'll let him be the showboat of the family card and go really simple with this one)

9. (but can you beat a b&w Henry dog?)

This is not an option for our family card, but I just love it. I forced Andrea to take a belly shot with me because A. Although she is only 15 weeks along and I'm 25 weeks, I seriously think we are showing the same amount, and B. She is literally standing on her tip-toes in this shot to come up to my gigantor level. Such a little peanut that one!.
baby bellies

It's been fun to share our pregnancies so far and I'm SO happy for her and her hubby. They totally deserve this gift of a wonderful pregnancy and they are going to be fab parents. Between baby talk, PT talk (she is going to apply to the same grad school program Nate is attending!), and photography talk we have quite a bit in common. Just not our height.....that's a little different:)

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