Rabu, 10 Mei 2017

nutrition and exercise in pregnancy

The other day, I got this comment from blog reader Kate:

I was wondering if you would mind covering a post on healthy eating during pregnancy. Or perhaps what things you have been concentrating on or NOT.

It really got me thinking about food and exercise during pregnancy. I am not even close to an expert on this topic but I suppose I can share my perspective on things since you asked:)

Nate and I have always been fairly healthy eaters but we definitely don't deprive ourselves of the 'bad' foods we love. Everything in moderation is truly a statement to live by, don't you think? That certainly has not changed since I got pregnant and honestly, I don't think my diet has been altered at all---besides saying goodbye to my beloved caffeinated coffee and red wine. I've never believed in the saying 'eating for two' during pregnancy and basically, when I'm hungry I will eat. Perhaps my portion sizes are a little bigger these days and I definitely allow myself more sweets when I crave them. But overall, not much has changed in my diet.

Some of the staples we get at the grocery store every week include: hearty whole wheat bread, oranges, apples, bananas, spinach, cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, skim milk, deli-sliced turkey breast, and chicken. Then you'll probably find a few yummy frozen pizzas in the mix along with a life-supply of peanut butter, cheese, and bagels.

Every morning I eat the same thing: peanut butter and honey on a bagel with a glass of skim milk. Every freaking day. I love it and it's the only thing that stays with me until lunch time. Since I got pregnant I've needed a mid-morning snack and my favorite is a Quaker Chewy granola bar, preferably the peanut butter and chocolate chip kind. Mmmmmm. Every day I pack my own lunch and it's usually pretty healthy: either PB&J on whole wheat bread, or possibly a deli turkey breast, spinach, and cucumber sandwhich. I'll have two pieces of fruit, some chips (my vice!) and maybe another granola bar. This will usually last me until dinner, when Nate and I always cook something together. Lots of soup/sandwich combos, pasta with chicken, salads, chili, or of course...pizza is what we mostly eat in the winter. More often than not, we'll make a yummy spinach/carrot/tomato/crouton salad, too. Sometimes if I'm hungry after dinner I'll have a bowl of cereal or treat myself to a cookie or two. When I look at this line-up for the day I really don't think any of it has changed since the pregnancy except maybe the extra granola bar and the tendency to allow myself more cookies. Life is too short, you know? :)

The Girlfriends' Guide to Pregnancy by Vicki Iovine is my most recently read pregnancy book. I liked it a lot but at the same time, the whole chapter on 'exercise and pregnancy' really rubbed me the wrong way. Now granted, the book was written back in the 90's so there are definitely some parts that are obviously outdated....like the exercise part, in my opinion. Basically, the author believes that pregnancy gives you a free pass to be lazy and in fact, she believes pregnant women should AVOID working out if at all possible. Huh? She goes on to say that 'you'll just get fatter anyway' and staying in shape will not actually help you during labor, nor will it help you lose the weight faster after you deliver. The whole chapter pretty much ticked me off because she makes it sound like those of us still at the gym are just in denial and possibly damaging our babies in the process. She says that those who continue to exercise rigorously are frantically trying to take back control of a life they think is spinning out of control. Give me a break, lady.

I work out because it actually provides me with more energy than I'd have if I laid on the couch every night. I have always sincerely enjoyed breaking a sweat and for my own mental sanity, my own self-confidence, I absolutely have to stay in shape because after about 4 days without working out I start to feel like a sluggish blob. I whole-heartedly believe that if I remain somewhat fit during this pregnancy then my body will perform with more endurance and stamina during labor. I also like to hope that my body will bounce back to it's former self faster if I maintain some kind of fitness during this pregnancy. Apparently this author thinks I'm nuts but whatever.

Once I cut through the overall crap of this chapter, I was able to take home an amazing point that really rang true to me--something I need to embrace during the remainder of my pregnancy. She explains that the female body is a pretty amazing creation and during pregnancy our bodies are meant to gestate a living being, growing that baby in a healthy and safe environment. In order to do this our bodies must morph into this baby-growing machine, which means gaining weight, gaining a belly bump, possibly some whacked-out hormones, and lots of other fun symptoms that come along with pregnancy. Here is my favorite quote about this:

"The greatest lesson in life, and particularly in pregnancy, is to BE NICE TO YOURSELF. It is time to really understand that your body was intended for more than just being a vehicle through which you amuse yourself, promote yourself or abuse yourself. It is designed to gestate a baby. Nature has wisely put you on automatic pilot because she knows that, if left to your own devices, you might mess the whole thing up. All you have to do is behave moderately and surrender; nature will do the rest."

It's so true. My body is no longer a vessel with which I can cross marathon finish lines. It no longer fits into my size 4 jeans. I can no longer get all jocked out and become a meat head at the gym who lifts weights and runs 30 miles a week. That part of my identity is now on hold as my body changes into something else: the home for my baby boy. I have to believe that my body knows what it's doing. You hear that phrase all the time when people talk about labor and delivery--it's a natural process and the female body knows what needs to happen. Isn't that the same for all of pregnancy?

Although my appetite hasn't changed too much and I'm still exercising, I'm gaining weight like it's a freaking competition, which totally ticks me off. But you know what? My body needs to gain this weight in order to grow my baby boy. As long as I'm not laying on the couch, downing whole bags of chips and cookies and slurping mass amounts of milkshakes I should feel pretty good about the changes my body is making. After all, I'm becoming a mommy now and therefore less self-centered and I'm sure my priorities in life will completely change once I stare into his adorable little eyes. My vanity has to go out the window as I embrace my pregnant body and all I can do is hope to return to a version of my former physical self. I'd like to be all mature and say that the numbers on the scale don't bother me but let's get real: I'm a girl. Don't we all have a few body issues going on here? I think for us pregnant ladies, the best we can do is be kind to ourselves and try not to be alarmed at the distorted reflections in the mirror. It's all temporary, right? :)

I'm both lucky and cursed in this pregnancy because of my job. As a PT in the hospital setting, I am literally on my feet all day long, lifting people in/out of bed, pushing, pulling and squatting down as I teach people how to move, walk, and exercise again. It's a physically demanding job for sure and I'm feeling it a lot more by the end of the work week. On one hand it's great for me to stay active and on my feet but on the other, I'm scared I won't be able to make it until my due date because it's such a physical job. My co-workers have been very protective over me and you should see some of the nurses when I attempt to help boost a patient up in the bed---they practically shoo me out of the room, as if I'm disabled or something. I guess I'll take it right about now because I need to last another 9 weeks, you know. Gotta work until I deliver to have the full twelve weeks off with little man after he arrives....no need to waste those days off by myself at home, pregnant and miserable:)

So I guess what I have to say on the topic of nutrition and exercise during pregnancy is this: everyone is different, every body is different, but for me staying active in my job and also at the gym helps me stay sane. I haven't had to overhaul my diet during pregnancy and I tend to stick to the same ol' staples. But packing my own lunch and nearly ALWAYS eating at home versus eating out is what works for us. I figure the rest is up to my pregnant body and I do my best to treat it right. I only stare in disbelief when looking into the mirror about once a day lately....so we are getting somewhere! :)

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