Jumat, 26 Mei 2017

The streak has ended

One of my very favorite things about Christmas is crying Santa pictures.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I know that sounds sick & twisted, but admit it....
Crying Kids with Santa is HYSTERICAL.
I know from experience because my girls have had some classic Santa pictures.
Let's take a walk down memory lane to see how my girls have reacted the past few years.

Kate's 1st Christmas {11 months}
No crying, but Kate looks annoyed. She must have been thinking, "Get me off this creepers lap."
Claire's 1st Christmas {3 months}, Kate {23 months}
This is good stuff my friends, good stuff. This was my first intro to a crying Santa picture & I LOVED it. So funny.
Claire {15 months}, Kate {2.5 years old}
Pure awesomeness. Claire picking up where Kate left off.
(To be honest, I was hoping for a double crying picture in 2009, but 1 out of 2 isn't bad)
Kate {3.5 years old} & Claire {2 years old}
Last year was when Kate turned a corner, she actually SMILED! She was starting to LIKE Santa!
Claire kept the streak alive & gave a good show:
I knew that my time with Claire being scared of Santa was coming to a close now that she is 3 (that is when Kate started liking Santa). So when I took the girls to see Santa on Saturday, I knew my chances were slim that I was going to get a crying kid picture. I really, really, really wanted 1 more year of tears.
(I am not an evil mom, I swear. Nothing makes me giggle more than these pictures!)
Here is some snippet of our conversation on the way to see Santa on Saturday.
Me: Girls, are you excited to sit on Santa's lap?
Kate: Yes, I am going to tell him I want a puzzle for Christmas.
Claire: I cried on Santa's last year.
Me: (feeling optimistic): It's okay if you cry Claire, you will still get a candy cane from Santa.
(yes, I was trying to manipulate the situation)

But, all my hopes & dreams of a crying picture came to a halt when both girls ran with excitement to Santa's lap.
No fear or trepidation. Nothing but smiles.
Kate {4.5 years old} & Claire {3 years old}
You should have seen Claire, chatting it up with Santa. Telling him about the boo-boo on her knee & that pink was her favorite color. It was like he was her long lost best friend.
The streak is over.
All good things must come to an end, right?

On to happier things....Don't forget about the 2nd Annual Cookie Recipe Exchange Link Up THIS Wednesday, 12.07.11
Can't wait to see your cookie recipes!

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