Rabu, 10 Mei 2017


Seven reasons to smile, by moi:

1. Coming home to this guy each evening. Sans facial hair [and head hair, for that matter]:
2. Realizing that my husband is metrosexual enough for the following:

10 million long sleeved shirts, 8 million polo shirts [Ralph Lauren should personally thank my husband for buying one of every color]....That are, in fact, color coordinated. Isn't it ironic that he arranges his shirts like a RAINBOW? With metrosexual tendencies?! I won't even get into the fact that the man has more clothes than me because when he reads this he will refute that statement adamantly. :)

3. Drinking red wine. Lots of it. And making progress with our centerpiece:
4. Coming home to my other little man each evening:
Who happens to have the most adorable face after a haircut. Doesn't he look intelligent? I wish he could talk because I'm sure he'd sound just like Bill Gates. [not really sure what BG sounds like, though]:

5. The fact that the winter is losing the weather battle with spring. It got up to SEVENTY FOUR DEGREES today. And yes, I'm still in Milwaukee. I swear it's like heaven on earth.

6. The fact that I was dragging all day today--tired, moody, and coming down with a cold. But then I forced myself to run outside after work and I didn't even die. In fact, I ran almost 5 miles
in the glorious sunshine. There's just something about fresh air that can make everything better.

7. The fact that my Blurb book is supposed to arrive tomorrow! We almost have a wedding album and it might even be ready for our St. Louis trip. I might pee my pants if it's sitting on our doorstep tomorrow after work. I'll keep you updated on both the album and the peeing:)

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