Sabtu, 27 Mei 2017

He looks JUST like

When Truman was 6 months old I did a post comparing Truman's baby pictures to mine and Nate's. I decided it's high time to revisit this argument that 'HE LOOKS LIKE ME, TOO, OKAY?!?' Because really, although my husband is a looker and I don't mind that Truman takes after Nate, I'd like to think that I had something to do with my son's adorableness as well. After all, I did help out in the DNA pool and did the entire gestation thing, so sue me if I'd like to hear that my offspring resembles me just one teeny tiny bit. :)

Also, it's really, REALLY fun for me to hunt on iPhoto as I look for similar facial expressions between Truman and his parents as toddlers. I got way too much enjoyment trying to find just the right one of T to match the old school version of us. Also, can I just say again that it astounds me how few pictures our parents have of us as children? Both of our parents did a great job documenting our childhoods in pictures but still---just four pictures for a whole month of life? HA. My digital camera that is begging for a break smirks at the 80's from afar.

First: I think we know where he got his ugly cry...

But don't worry, pretty sure this is my gigantic smile, too...

And 'aloof'---he gets that blank stare from me...

And just to be fair, I decided to include pictures of baby Nate, too. Aren't these two boys freaking adorable?

Their grins aren't too bad, and I can definitely see the resemblance...

Baseball caps. A cutting stare. Swoon...

So there you have it. Thoughts? (ie, please agree with me and say Truman has at least one percent of his momma in him, okay?)

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