Minggu, 14 Mei 2017

Random musings

[kind of like a Miscellany Monday but not.]

1. Look at these hunks of burning love and try not to be insanely jealous of me:

Nevermind the fact that Henry looks like he split his torso down the middle. That is his signature porn star pose----he's patented it, in case you care.

2. My husband is a metrosexual. This isn't a new announcement or anything, but please take a look at the evidence:

[Henry is saying, "WTF, Dad?"]
A closer look yields the truth: Nate bought a pair of Sevens. He is officially the perfect blend of frat boy/meat head/a guy's guy AND a well-groomed/girl's guy/fashion slave. I never thought this day would come, my friends.
He is a multi-faceted one, my husband.

3. Did you notice my new blog lift? So much for changing it every month....bah to that. I'm trying for every other month now. And I decided to move away from the sickeningly sweet pink and settle into some nice cool greens. You like?

4. I just finished reading "The Kite Runner" and it was so-so. I never thought I'd like a book set in the Middle East but it really was pretty riveting. No, I've never seen the movie---I'm just way behind on the times, okay?

And now I just started "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. Um, can you say obsessed? Anyone read either of these bad boys?

5. Nate's cousin Mike just sent me some mysterious digital negatives from their Beyond the Booth. Hmmmm, I wonder why I didn't print these off for myself? My father-in-law and I are so hawt. He is saying, "Why is this crazy chick living above us?"

Sometimes I like to practice my pregnant pose. "Ah, my aching back....rub my feet, please, honey." Can't you just hear me being all whiny and stuff?Then there is my husband: just looking plain cute. Poor guy, has to deal with his insane wife.

6. Guess who bit the bullet and ordered some business cards? That's right, I'm pretty much official now. And did I ever mention that I registered for my business license, too? Yep, I've gone corporate. Tax ID number and all---for reals.
You didn't think I'd post my actual phone number on my blog, did you? I have to draw the line somewhere: you might know a lot about me but not that. :)

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