Sabtu, 06 Mei 2017


~2 strong drinks mixed for a random friday night. I was inspired by my Spain scrapbook and made myself a little [sugar-free] Red Bull and Vodka. Nate tried his Jameson and Dr. Pepper.~ 1 sip of Nate's drink before I dry heaved for 10 minutes. 1 sip for him before he decided to toss the whole thing out [blech!] But aren't our high ball glasses from our wedding pimp? I hate to admit this was the first time we pulled them out. They are fabulous.
~200 pictures ordered from for a whopping $20. Yep, 10 cents a pop. Have you ever seen such a large photo box?
~30 beautiful 12X12 papers bought at my scrap-booking store. I forgot to keep track and was worried I picked out about 100. I have a new found love for the paper brand called "Basic Grey." LOVE this style.

~12 estimated hours for me to complete our chronological album. I've been calculating my time spent per page, too, for my future endeavors as a pro scrap-booker:)

~10 pages completed in my book in 5 hours today. I'm whipping through this sucker!

~5 girls who have shown interest in my scrap-booking skills. This makes me so excited! I have all kinds of ideas running through my brain these days.

~2 Sundays in a row going to church. Whoo hoo!

~1 person has viewed our apartment, considering renting it! This is big time because it's our first person to see it. Our landlord called and said they specifically wanted to see ours, not just the other random one for rent, because they saw our cute ad on Craigslist. [Go me!] We haven't heard back from our crazy landlord yet, so who knows how it went. But from now on, he said we can be in charge of scheduling shows and what not. Apparently he doesn't want to deal with driving over on the weekends, so I think he's ignored a few potential renters calls. Boo for him.

~45 minutes we spent walking Henry around our neighborhood while our landlord showed the apartment.

~27 degrees at the height of the day, during our little walk. I was totally going to run outside but the 45 minute walk counts right? Especially when it's so cold my toes were numb.

~3 times Henry pooped on our walk. I know, a little TMI, but apparently he really misses long walks outdoors! Look at him all prim and proper with his arms crossed in this picture:
~42 to 20: the score of the Packers game yesterday. We won, the Cowboys lost, and thus we will play at Lambeau against the Giants next Sunday. It was a heck of a game. We went to a local bar to cheer the Pack on with other cheese heads. So very social of us, right? If we win next weekend we will be in the Super Bowl! I cannot imagine the chaos if this happens. My boy Brett was looking extra fine and I hope he can pull this off. I've never seen Nate so happy as when the Pack wins a game. Go Pack, Go!

~3 days I lasted without a new post! I was actually busy this weekend, I suppose. And now you know why.

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