Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

march 20th 2017 bradys birth story

its been 5 days since we arrived home from the hospital.  five days before that we welcomed our precious little man into this world and it still hits me like a ton of bricks about once a day..
we have FOUR kids.
four babes that call me mama.
such a dream come true! and Brady is just the icing on the cake of this crazy party we've got going on over here!
backtracking about 4 months ago, we planned out my third c-section for 39 weeks and one day on March 20th, 2017.  we didn't share the date for a handful of reasons, but it was also sort of up in the air for all of us.  at that point I had severe polyhydramnios.  Brady's kidneys weren't improving much and there were discussions of early delivery if they didn't start to improve (which they did, thank goodness!) AND my most favorite person in the world to walk me through the last two pregnancies and deliveries was out of town for spring break the entire week before we planned to deliver.
I was already having contractions so no one thought we would make it to March 20th.
my OB put me home bound the remaining two weeks leading up to delivery in hopes that I would keep that boy in until she could return and deliver him herself.  
my mom came in town to help me with the girls while Jordan was still working and when Sunday before D-Day came my stomach ebbed and flowed from anxiety to excitement.  
I couldn't believe it was really time.  less than 24 hours we would meet this little boy we have been praying over for the last 9 months.  Sunday morning we got up as we usually do and hit the ground running to make the early service at church.
I had Jordan snap this photo as our last "official" Massey girls picture before baby brother arrived.
I was a weeping mess all day and even looking at this photo as I think out Brady's birth story I'm over here getting so emotional again about it all.
we packed the girls up late that afternoon and dropped them off with Auntie and Uncle J for the next three days before they would go with their BB and Papa and then finally back home to our house with my parents before we would bring home Brady. I usually stay in the hospital for 4 nights and having three kiddos is a long time for anyone so we made plans to house hop with our favorite people.  my mom and I went to dry bar for a blowout and to get pampered a bit in celebration of Brady's birthday (one less thing to worry about in the morning!) before meeting Jordan for dinner and then back home for all the last minute things.. calling it a night around midnight.
march 20th, 2017
we had to be at the hospital at 5:30am for my scheduled surgery at 7:30am.  I had spoken with the anesthesiologist the afternoon before about what to expect, and while I have done this twice before I was still a bit nervous.  I walked into L+D and they were ready for me!  we were directed to an empty recovery room where I changed into a hospital gown and signed about 1800 documents and medical release forms in between blood draws and baby heartbeats on the monitor.  I was definitely already in some form of labor- that needle swiveled like mad as my contractions were monitored over the next two hours before rolling us into the OR.
once we were in the OR, I started to remember the coolness of the room, the nervousness it the pit of my stomach, and the organized busy-ness of people moving around me as they got ready for delivery of our sweet boy.  
and then came the nausea.  my blood pressure kind of hangs out around 96/60, as it has my entire life, so in these kind of situations I get nauseous and require a blood pressure boost here and there to make  me feel "normal" and less nauseous.  well as normal as you could probably feel in this situation.  surgery started and everything happened SO fast! 
all the typical worries floated to my brain and I did my best to not let those cloud the joy of the birth of our baby boy.  
in all those forms I signed before surgery, the one that was the hardest to sign was consent for Dr. Walsh to complete a tubal ligation.  she actually removes the tubes all together rather than just 'ties' them..so my only chance of being able to get pregnant again would be through IVF.
at this point she has leaned her head over the blue screen about 15 times to ask me to make SURE this is what I wanted. 
I repeated to her a confident "yes" every time.
Jordan and I had talked it out over the course of this pregnancy and while I have such a hard time  with the permanency of this procedure, we are pretty well set on this being our last biological babe.
Walsh and her assistants chatted away about her vacation and she peeked over again to assure me that their small talk meant that everything is going perfect!
..and then I heard his cries.  he was here and the flood of emotions hit me as uncontrollable tears streamed down my cheeks.  just as they had with Parker and Jolie and just as they had with Baker. 
the nurses came around the curtain and gave us a peek at our sweet babe before they took him to the warmer.  right at this moment Walsh stuck her head down and said "its okay if you dont want to do this..your call girlfriend"  well, I'm bawling at this point and literally in the highest emotional state you could possibly be. and according to Walsh I have zero scar tissue so a fourth cesarean would be entirely safe, IF that was in the cards for us.  
"dont do it."  
Walsh grinned from ear to ear and we both looked at Jordan.. "sorry babe.  I just cant."
of course he was in tears at this point as well, so he just grabbed my face and said "its okay!"  

my biggest concern with Brady was his kidneys and making sure there was no blockage.  the constant screening over the last several months showed improvements, but still no resolution.
Walsh assured us that most likely he will pee in a diaper and all will be resolved! 
well..in Brady's case he went ahead and took care of it when he peed on the nurses as they were cleaning him up:) his after birth sonogram showed zero sign of fluid on either kidney!
such a praise!
seven pounds, 4 ounces
exactly as they said he would in my last sonogram.
but lets all just take a moment and admire the head of hair on this boy.

finally, they laid Brady on my chest- I got to meet my son for the vey first time!

Brady's first selfie.
the next 48 hours were absolutely horrible.
I was SO sick.
I dont do pain meds very well, I don't even take tylenol well!  usually the anesthesia makes me a tiny bit nauseous after delivery, but this time around was so much different. I honestly felt like I was overdosed on pain medication.  probably a normal dose for anyone else, but for me I just couldn't hand it.  I threw up for about 48 hours post-op- I couldn't handle even sips of water or ice chips.
if you have had a c-section or abdominal surgery before you can imagine the discomfort this brought!  they were pumping me with anti nausea medication through my IV and trying their best to get my nausea under control.  I ended up having a panic attack on Monday night because I was in so much pain.  nausea + trapped gas was making it hard and painful to breathe and I just lost it.
I was so exhausted.  
I hadn't slept in 24 hours.  finally after two days of this they gave me a shot of phenergan and I passed out for the rest of Tuesday afternoon. that ultimately got me over the hump to be able to drink enough water for them to stop my IV drips and I held down a meal on Tuesday night. 
all along Brady was just as sweet as can be.  in between the nausea and pain my time with this sweet tiny one was so special.  
his little nose and perfect lips- I cant get enough!
once I was finally feeling better I got the last of the terrible IV lines out of my hands.
I was free!  but you guys, the most pain I have ever felt!  I couldn't get out of bed without Jordan lifting me and getting me to my feet.. and showers consisted of Jordan holding me up while I attempted to wash my body.  not even with the twins' delivery did I feel this deconditioned.
we ended up in the hospital for 5 days and even on the early morning of that last day I was questioning my abilities to make it home. I had no chance of "weaning" off the pain meds a bit before going home.. I was still getting them around the clock.  I could hardly tolerate moving or even walking the halls.  
but we made it home with this little guy.  his perfect little life brought into this world.  
I cant believe it.  
having a fourth baby in this house along with his big sisters- that reality has still has hardly set in:)
stay tuned for Brady's birth story // part II!
parker + jolie's birth story
baker bree's birth story // part I + part II

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Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

Swedish Fish Gift Idea Free Printable

Kate & Claire were on a little swim team this year for our neighborhood swim team.
Kate did it last year & this year Claire was old enough as well!
Both of them can swim now. It is such a relief!
They can both jump off the diving board in the deep end & swim to the edge of the pool.
(If you told me at the beginning of the summer that they would be able to do that, I would not have believed you!)

Being a teacher & a former soccer coach, I know how nice it is to get end of the year gifts from students/players, so I always try and do something for their teachers/coaches at the end of the season, even if it is something small.

{Click HERE to see what I made them last year}

They had 10 coaches & all their swim coaches are in either high school or college, so I needed to do something that wasn't too costly.
What do most high school & college kids like? Candy!
I saw a similar idea on Pinterest, but knew I wanted to tweak the idea & make my own design.
Here is what I came up with:
Last week their "swim team" ended, so we gave the coaches their gift on the last day.
They had a mini swim meet where each swimmer got to swim across the pool & then they got a medal.
If you need a super easy & inexpensive end of year coach or teacher gift, here is what you need:
Swedish Fish Candy
Washi Tape
Printable Tag (I used cardstock, but normal paper is fine)

Here is a close up of the tag that I made:
Cheesy? Yes. But, I think it's cute (and so did the coaches!)
This was a SUPER easy end of the season gift.
And, cheap!
The bags of candy were only $.79 each
(They were the small bags, but you can get bigger bags for less than $2 each)
The washi tape I also got at Target for a few dollars.
And, then I just printed out the printable & stuck it to the candy.
It took me 5 minutes to put this together.

And, because I love you guys, I made some printables for you!
There are 3 versions, one for a swim coach, one for a coach (any sport) & one for teacher (so you can use this for teacher appreciation, etc.

You are o-fish-ally a great swim coach:
You are o-fish-ally a great coach:
You are o-fish-ally a great teacher:
{Click to download. Right click & then Save.}

Print them out, cut them, fill in your kids name(s), and tape it a bag of Swedish Fish.
Linking up HERE

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Fist Bump to the Nukie Fairy

Oh hey, Julia of one (very easy) child? Guess what! Your second kid is going to be a different person, and therefore you are going to be a different mom to her. And you know how you got rid of Truman's pacifier at fifteen months and felt sort of bad that you didn't ditch it at one year like 'they' say you should? Well, Cecelia will need a pacifier for three entire years, so yeah. Go ahead and turn an eyebrow up at your present day self, but dude: every kid is so different!

Someday I will actually learn that concept.

(Thanks for helping me learn, Cecelia!)
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I honestly don't feel too guilty for letting the pacifier stick around this long, because Cecelia needed her self-soothing technique until now. For the past six months or so, we've talked about how the 'Nukie Fairy' was going to come once CC turned three. One night she tried to inform me that, 'maybe she will come when I turn four,' but SORRY, sister. Now is the time. We even had a false start one night a few months ago when Cecelia thought she wanted the fairy to come, but then changed her mind at the end of the bedtime routine when her two remaining pacifiers were sitting in a bowl outside of her bedroom door. She wasn't ready then, but last week she was.

CC has kept her white nukie and her random red 'lips' nukie in a blue bowl, on top of her bed's bookshelf for about a year now. Pacifiers have only been allowed when sleeping (naps and night) OR if she needed a rest (aka recharging and resetting her attitude during a particularly emotional meltdown or twelve each day). Nate and I both knew that removing the pacifier would mean that CC has to deal with her emotions head on and she can't use it to help her fall to sleep, which honestly scared us a little. She was my fantastic nurser who went strong until I weaned her at sixteen months. Sister has always loved her pacifier and must have a very strong suck-to-soothe connection. Or something.

RIP, White Nukie. You were seriously so disgustingly-worn out but I know she loved you.
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RIP, Red Lips Nukie. Picture from April 2014 and sweet baby CC still has baby fat cheeks!! Pacifier is still a joke, not sure why it persisted as one of the two that were not lost over the years.

We just kept telling her that she is a big girl, and babies need pacifiers, so the Nukie Fairy would come and take them to the babies that need them. I'm not really sure how this concept of a magical fairy became our ticket out of pacifier days, but I'm certain that Cecelia is the one who added the notion of candy being given in exchange for her personal sacrifice. Yes, always with the candy bribes over here. No shame in this game, either.

Friday night (6/19/15 for my psychotic self who needs to remember these things), I simply said to CC at dinner: "Hey! Maybe the Nukie Fairy should come tonight!!! I think you are totally ready to be a big girl and let the babies have your nuks, don't you?" And the fates smiled down upon us when Cecelia excitedly said, 'Yeah!!! And the Nukie Fairy brings me candy!!!!!' Yes, child, she does. Now let's do the dang thing already.

Seriously, so pretty and so stinking BIG. This pictures is 100% Cecelia, in all of her glory.

So that night we kept talking it up and acted all excited, and I told CC as we got ready for bed that I would call the Nukie Fairy as soon as Cecelia was asleep. And she put her two (well-loved, really ridiculous) pacifiers in her blue bowl and set them outside of her door. She climbed into her bed and held her froggy lovey a little tighter, but was super brave and I was nutso-proud of my big girl already. We reviewed the fact that *if* the Nukie Fairy did bring candy, it would not be allowed until her clock turned yellow....because I could totally see CC waking up at 3 am and checking the bowl, chowing on some Smarties in celebration while we all slept.

That night she fell asleep without a peep. When I went to bed I took the two pacifiers, put them in our buffet (so glad CC cannot read right now!!!), and placed a few random Skittles, one sucker, and one Smartie in the bowl. I also wrote a little note to CC from the NF (Nukie Fairy, so much easier to abbreviate, bear with me) just to make things more official. Nate didn't think I should put the bowl back on the floor outside of Cecelia's room, because Henry would totally rain on the NF's parade as he loves to be the candy thief around here. So I had Nate put the bowl next to CC's clock instead.

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The next morning, I heard CC get up and go to the bathroom around 6:15 and I perked up to hear what she would say. I heard her say, 'she didn't bring me anything' and I jumped up because my heart kind of broke thinking about Cecelia feeling so let down. I told her that the Fairy DID come, but she wanted to put the bowl out of Henry's way, and I showed sister where to look.

As soon as she saw the bowl, her eyes literally started to sparkle. I said, 'Oh my goodness, she even left you a note, CC!' and I read it to her and Truman, since he was also awake and excited about this visit from the magical character land. I gave CC a big hug and said I was so proud of her...and then encouraged her to go back to bed until 6:55 am when her clock turned yellow. Ha, I am not THAT easily swayed from our rigid morning and bedtime routines, lady!

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Once we all went downstairs, we all really played up the occasion for Cecelia. I had to take pictures so I could show GoGo that the NF visited, we talked about how great it was for little babies to have CC's pacifiers, and sister got to partake in some very early morning candy. Her first nap was fair, just a little whimper here and there when I was tucking her in for her snooze---but I reminded her that she is a big girl and doesn't need the nuks anymore. Lots of encouragement and positive talk, and yes--more bribes for the first two times or so;) Promises of getting one Smartie upon waking from a 'big girl sleep' really seemed to help transition things along the nuk-free path.

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We've had a few bedtimes full of minor tears and whining, asking for the Nuks, and general discontent. Any and all tantrums (we prefer 'emotional moments' as a descriptor, really) have to be managed without comfort sucking. IT SORT OF SUCKS, yes, pun intended but also it's really great to know that CC can deal with emotions and sleeping without the nuk. She's proud of herself and we are, too. Now we just have to continue working on coping mechanisms for crazy intense emotions. But the sleeping part hasn't really changed since she's still going to bed around 7:30-8 and waking around 6 (but stays in bed until that beloved clock is yellow at 6:55). She's still napping 2-3 hours easily. I sort of can't believe the bottom didn't drop out with sleep sans nuk, but hey---what do you know? Sometimes my kids surprise me.

Mostly I feel this big milestone of ditching the pacifier was much much worse in anticipation than reality. I'm sure it helped that we waited until Cecelia really did seem ready and mostly alright with the idea. She was skeptical but very motivated by the candy and also motivated by the concept of babies NEEDING her nuks. She originally wanted to give Porter her white pacifier and a baby at daycare was going to get her red lip pacifier, but alas---Porter hasn't taking a pacifier since he was maybe four months old, and I'm sure that other baby at Lori's is over it now, too!

This isn't to say it was supremely easy and everything is perfect in Cecelia-ville, there is definitely still plenty of whining and stalling at bedtime, and requests for the nuks. But it just hasn't been as bad as I expected as the world did not stop turning without the pacifier and Cecelia didn't crumble into a million pieces without it.

Kind of strange to have zero children with pacifiers anymore. Wah, my babies are so big now!! This is a common theme in my head lately, fiercely holding onto Porter's babyhood while it lasts. Because Cecelia is practically ready for college now that the pacifier is gone.

This doesn't really belong here except both little ones are entirely too adorable in this shot.

So that is the story about how we ditched Cecelia's pacifier. I know a few of you requested a post about this and I have no idea if our method would work for anyone else. And I'm sure the candy reward is probably not a great idea but it sure did help us. She hasn't even finished the entire bowl of candy yet, five days later, which is surprising but appreciated. And now she is officially Nukie-free!
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Senin, 29 Mei 2017

Potty training tips regression

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Baby 3 here we go again!

If you are anything like me, you probably have some burning questions for me regarding the pregnancy announcement. I love to hear all of the details about how a baby came to be....well, not the EXACT details or anything. We all know how this happens but it's still fun to ramble about the details. Like if it was planned, how I told Nate, what he thinks about this, what Truman said when we told him, and how I've been feeling.

And that snowy announcement photo---lots of questions about how we got that shot. Well, I was searching on Pinterest for something I hadn't seen before. I found a few of the math equations with people dressed nicely, standing in front of a wall. It was snowing outside the next day and I thought about going across the street to the elementary school, to stand in front of a brick wall using a tripod. But the snow was just a lot to deal with and I didn't have the energy to find my tripod. So I figured that a snow covered ground would be a great backdrop, and our second floor airing porch would be a great way to shoot from above. I took a photo of Nate and the kids to the left of my focus, then Nate came up and took a picture of me on the right side of the frame. I photoshopped the two together, and voila! An announcement;)

But before I go on, I must say that I've felt a lot of guilt with this pregnancy. There are so many girls struggling to get pregnant even one time, struggling to keep a pregnancy, just STRUGGLING with fertility and pregnancy----to have this happen as a 'surprise' for our third baby feels a little too good to be true. Too easy or something. I guess I will always feel like this after experiencing a loss, but I don't want to come across as smug or bragging about this pregnancy. I want to enjoy it and embrace it, but I don't want to hurt anyone else in the process. Big hugs to anyone struggling with fertility/loss right now.

To start at the beginning, I stopped breastfeeding Cecelia at the end of September and also stopped taking my low-estrogen birth control pill at that time. I did not have a period that entire time since having Cecelia---something that felt really odd to me. I told Nate that I did not want to be on hormonal BC anymore since I was on the mini-pill for Cecelia's first year, then switch to the 'real' pill but a lighter dose for three months after that. My OB said that this pill would likely dry me up completely and force CC to wean, but my girl didn't bat at eye at a change in my supply. So we kept nursing until 16 months, when I really started to feel pulled to wean. I wanted a cycle back, I wanted to start convincing Nate to try for number three, and I wanted to see if weaning and stopping the pill would make my body return to cycles.

Honestly, I was worried that there was something seriously wrong with me. Who doesn't get periods on the PILL? Granted, it was a lower dose and I was still breastfeeding, but I swore I was producing practically nothing at the end there. I feel like CC was nursing for comfort and not for the milk anymore. Nate and I discussed all of this at length and he said it was fine to go off the pill. He wasn't ready for another baby yet and was still on the fence about whether he would ever want a third, but he was willing to risk it until I got a cycle. We could figure it out after that. But we both agreed chances were really slim of getting pregnant before my period.

In my head (which is obviously a freaking mine field at times), I believe that 'trying' for a baby means timing the deed with ovulation. Charting temps, watching the calendar, checking for fertility signs, peeing on various strips of paper....all of that is what equates 'trying' to me. I knew there was a small chance we could get pregnant before a period but I figured there was no way we'd randomly nail the timing of my first ovulation in over two years. So I do not say we were 'trying' for this baby, and it WAS a surprise even though we knew there was a chance.

I also told a friend, after she said 'maybe you will get pregnant without ever getting your period' that while it would be super cool to get knocked up right away, I would be a nervous wreck. My OB suggested waiting for two full cycles before trying in order to let my hormones regulate and to create a 'healthy bed' for the baby. She said it was alright to get pregnant before the magical two cycle rule (same rule she gave me after my miscarriage and that time we DID abide), but it would put us at a higher risk for miscarriage. Just what I've always wanted, another reason to worry myself sick! So again, in my head I figured it wouldn't happen before my first period and if it did, I would be happy but scared to death.

You can guess what happened next. ;) Pregnant and scared.

I had been testing every two weeks or so as a part of 'due diligence', as my friend Hannah calls it, just to make sure it was acceptable to drink wine and coffee and all of the amazing liquids of the world. I had a huge stash of cheapie tests leftover from the CC trying days, so I didn't have to worry about wasting them. I took a test the day before we left for Colorado (October 22) and it was negative. Fine by me, since that meant lots of brewery tours and coffee! Oh, the irony.

When we got back from Colorado, I realized that I still hadn't gotten my period and it was over 4 weeks since I stopped nursing and stopped the pill. So now I was getting annoyed at my body and started thinking about calling my OB to ask how long was too long to go without. Always have to worry about something, I guess.

As we got dressed for our family photo shoot that weekend we returned from CO, I was totally stressing out about looking really bloated in every shirt I tried. I even texted my friends to say 'which one is better? I look pregnant here.' I was tired but didn't think much about that since we had just come off a big trip. And the days ticked by with me being totally clueless. I honestly did not have an inkling although looking back it's pretty obvious.

On Tuesday, November 5, I was particularly emotional. I remember starting to cry when Cecelia bumped her head for the fourth time that morning, assuming I was a horrible mother and my kids would forever hate me as they grew up. I was also stressed about not getting a period yet now that it had been 5 weeks since nursing. I laid the kids down for their naps that day, and figured I should take another test before calling my OB about my lack of period. It had been 2 weeks since the last test, so might as well be sure. I truly thought there was a 1% chance of it being positive and was not even nervous as I set that strip down on the sink. I was mostly thinking about how I was probably never going to get my period back and while that is pretty awesome in one way, I wasn't ready for menopause just yet. I know, I'm a rational person.

Immediately, two dark lines popped up before I could even flush the toilet. My heart stopped and I think I started saying 'WHAT?' and then 'OH CRAP, OH MY GOD!' Then I started to cry a semi-hysterical cry in the bathroom. It was a mix of shock and excitement and happiness and fear. I thought of a third child, a miscarriage, and Nate's reaction to this news in that order. I forced myself to take a shower although I'm sure I was muttering to myself the entire time like a crazy person. I thanked God out loud numerous times and started begging for protection over this baby. I could not believe I was pregnant and it felt like a dream. 'Is this happening, for real?' is something I know I said on repeat for awhile there.

The rest of the day I tried to remain calm. I didn't call or text my mom or friends although I wanted to BADLY. I knew I had to tell Nate first and was incredibly nervous for his reaction. What if he thought I knew I was ovulating and 'tricked him' into getting me pregnant? Because that was so not the case. I had been taking random notes on my phone for the month of October, just because I kept thinking I would get my period and then didn't----I wanted documentation to take to my OB if she needed to jump start my cycles.

I got on the computer and frantically plugged in a few potential conception dates. I assumed I would be due in the fall sometime (don't ask me why), and was stunned when the screen told me early July. THAT IS SO SOON! I calculated myself to be either 4, 5, or 6 weeks pregnant then based on the negative test before Colorado and the super positive one 2 weeks later. I usually test way too early when we have tried for our previous kids, so I'm accustomed to squinting and moving tests in the light to see a second line. This one was darker than the test line which made me wonder if I was more than 4 weeks along. (Spoiler alert: I was 5 weeks pregnant when I tested, but wouldn't find that out for 3 more weeks at the first appointment). I found one last digital test in my attic stash and peed on it later in the day just to be sure. Nothing like the word 'pregnant' to seal the deal. This was happening!

Then I figured out that this baby and Cecelia will be 2 years + 1 month apart. Truman and Cecelia are 2 years + 3 months apart. Pretty similar spacing! A summer baby. Maternity leave during Truman's big milestone of starting 4K next September. Three.Freaking.Kids. I was in shock and highly emotional all day long, go figure.

(I think this was the next day, actually. Already surprised at my bloat here. I know it's not much, but I do feel like I was already showing a bit the day I tested.)

Nate got home around 5:30 that night and I didn't want to tell him during the chaos of both children being awake. I was able to maintain composure and surprised myself at how 'normal' I could be when I didn't think about the huge, life-changing news I was about to share. We needed to talk and have time to process this news as adults, so I wrote out a little card to Nate and hid it along with my tests. I wasn't sure how I would tell him but eventually I decided to put the card on top of his iPad when he went upstairs during Truman's bedtime. When he came back down to play with the iPad, I was sitting on the couch acting like nothing was happening. Except I was about to crap myself and was shaking.


He looked at the front of the card and didn't even open it before he said, 'Seriously?' I sort of shook my head and I think he said 'that is awesome' next, but I'm not sure. I told him he didn't even open the card yet but he obviously knew what was happening. We hugged and talked for a long time. He admitted that he might not have EVER said 'I'm ready for three, let's go for it.' So it's probably better that it happened this way, and I did provide full disclosure about the possibility of getting pregs before a period. So I don't feel too bad for the guy:) I still think I could have convinced him to actually 'try' for a third at some point anyway. Maybe he is little bummed to miss out on all of the trying for one final kid? Hee hee.

Nate's first few questions: 'Will we have three in daycare?" (said with wide eyes and a pale face.) No, we shouldn't. Truman will start 4K in the fall and although those are five half days, Tony is planning to watch Truman for those afternoons when I am at work and Truman is done with school. Then Nate asked, 'What are we going to do about the bedroom situation?" We have three bedrooms, and I think Truman and Cecelia will share T's current room. Nothing wrong with sharing bedrooms if you ask me, and these two get along so well right now it only makes sense. We can keep the nursery as a nursery and we could move CC's crib into Truman's room (and buy the baby a new crib---especially if it's a boy. Don't think a hot pink crib would be the best for a boy). Or we could move CC to a big girl bed AND have them share a room, since bunk beds would be perfect for the space and we already have the other twin bed that bunks over Truman's bed right now. Those beds were Nate's and Uncle Jon's growing up and they worked out great for siblings sharing a room---but we will see if Cecelia is ready for a big bed and if T is ready to sleep on a top bunk in a few more months.

Nate's last big question was, 'What are we going to do about a car?' My dear Tribute is almost 13 years old and is hanging in there, but it's a tight squeeze even for two car seats back there. I've wanted a mini-van for the past few years anyway, so I just smiled and said, 'I guess I have to get my van!'

After the initial shock wore off, and Nate realized that we won't be completely broke with three and won't have to buy a new house (although we will probably have to buy a new car) he got excited. 'This is going to be fun. I love our kids and having one more will be a crazy ride, but awesome. I'm into it.' That little string of sentences from my husband's mouth made me breathe a little easier. Of course, Nate had to keep the topic light and also said, 'We are NOT having four though!' Ha, ok by me! As long as this pregnancy wasn't twins, I told him I could officially agree to three and only three. Our decision has been made anyway. And it's going to be an amazing, beautiful, CRAZY ride, man.

We are going to have three children, a family of five. It's just incredible and I'm overwhelmed with gratitude. Nothing like early pregnancy to bring me to my knees and pray harder than I have before. The crippling fear will always be there for me. The feeling that I cannot control this will always be uncomfortable. It's just such a scary time full of uncertainty.

I have a few other drafted posts for you and PLENTY of ramblings about the fear of the first trimester. So I won't go on with that here, but not knowing how far along I was and being so afraid of those 'higher miscarriage risks' was tough in the beginning. Once I started feeling terrible a few days later it was a little easier to let the anxiety wane in the name of fighting off the pukes. Oh yes, I've had symptoms worse than ever before this time around. Maybe it's the fact that there are two kids to care for plus the fatigue and queasiness.

Other common questions/answers: Yes, we will find out the sex again, and my OB always has us wait until 20 weeks. So that is mid-February. I considered not finding out for about 0.2 seconds but that's just not us! We like finding out and planning and knowing who is inside. Plus it makes a difference if it's a boy versus a girl for the nursery. No idea if we will do a big gender reveal or not. Probably have to do SOMETHING but not sure we can top the awesomeness of the balloons with Cecelia.

And I truly do not have a preference for one sex or the other. I'd love another girl because: nursery is already set up for a girl, Cecelia would have a sister 2 years her junior (I don't have a sister but always wanted one), and duh--baby girl clothes. But I'd love another boy because Truman would have a brother, boys might be wild but they are not as dramatic/emotional/estrogen-filled, and Cecelia would have a big bro and a little bro keeping her the sister. I LOVE the mother/son bond but also the mother/daughter bond. Nate says he doesn't care either but I wonder if he secretly wants another boy for another mini-me?  We can't wait to find out, but I have no hunches right now and no preferences. Either will be awesome!

And so ends my saga of details for you today. Could I have possibly missed any burning questions out there?
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Minggu, 28 Mei 2017


I have many random thoughts and random pictures to show you today. They don't relate to each other whatsoever, hence being even more random. Must be a Monday, right?

1. Hello, followers! I see you down there, all 62 of you. I'm sorry I never return the favor and 'follow' blogs but honestly, I just noticed this function and wonder how long it's been lurking in the blogosphere. And hello, Google Reader subscribers! All 433 of you! Numbers like these make me feel slightly pressured to write amazing posts. I will try not to disappoint.

{these self portraits are all the rage on Flickr. I was inspired to snap this one in our old streaky mirror, after a nine miler. }
sweaty runner

2. I must preface this with the necessary disclaimer: I am NOT pregnant, so please do not read into this miscellany.

But I mentioned something to Nate the other night that caused quite the ruckus. I think it's only fair but I'd like your opinion on the matter.

I informed him that when I am pregnant I will likely morph into a holy terror for a multitude of reasons, but the two major losses I will experience will be: coffee and wine. My two drinks of choice will be taboo for nine whole months. NINE MONTHS! I might die. I mean, I'm too uptight to even consider a sip of wine but I'm sure I'll be a bit more conservative with my black gold and partake in one cup per week or something like that.

So because I will be in fluid-mourning, I think it's only fair that my husband....my teammate...my partner in crime also suffer. Isn't that what marriage is all about? [I kid, I kid.]

It's only fair that he abstains from his daily morning coffee so that I am not forced to smell it's goodness, right? I really don't care if he consumes alcohol in front of me but the coffee is where I'll draw the line. We should experience horrendous caffeine withdrawls together. I'm sure it will make our marriage stronger if we live to tell about it.

He was not happy about this at first. Then he asked, "But I can drink coffee if you don't know about it, right?" Oh great. Just what I wanted....a husband that sneaks around behind my back and cheats on me with a cup-o-joe. Of course I informed him that if he meant purchasing daily cups of expensive coffee, then no.....that would not be allowed.

We'll discuss further when the time comes. Your thoughts?

{here's me again, schweaty, blotchy and without a trace of makeup. And yet, I sort of like the light in this one}
after a 9 mile run, hence the sweat

3. Nate's dad discovered not one, but two nails in my back tire. Said tire is now at the shop getting patched up and my spare tire makes me nervous. It's like a little twig and I swear it's slanted. I can just imagine my whole car collapsing onto the driveway right now.

{my jewelry box and fun with depth-of-field}
jewelry box

4. We tried a new church on Sunday and weren't too impressed. It's hard to find a church with some younger couples, a great pastor whose message connects to us personally, and is located in our general vicinity. We'll keep hunting...

{cool artwork at a nearby school}
art swirls outside a school

5. It finally happened to me: I forgot to turn on my alarm clock before I went to bed on Thursday night. I set it for 6:15 and drag myself to the shower by 6:30, out the door by 7:20. Well on Friday morning, I was dozing soundly when I noticed Nate's head rotate towards his alarm clock then jerk over towards me. Immediately I knew I overslept [he didn't have class that morning, so his backup alarm wasn't set either].

Sure enough, I looked at the clock and it was 7:35.....15 minutes after I should have walked out the door. I sprinted to the bathroom and gave myself a hard look in the mirror, seriously considering forgoing the shower and just throwing on some clothes and a ponytail. But you see, my hair looked liked it housed actual birds that morning. Birds and possibly some rats. I owed it to myself and my patients to take that 2 minute shower.

And by golly, I was out the door in a total of 10 minutes and only 15 minutes late to work. Nate assumed the position of 'Crisis Manager' and ran to the coffee maker to get me my morning brew while toasting my bagel and handing both to me as I dashed out the door. He's a keeper.

What was not enjoyable was the fact that literally all day long I was frazzled because of my horrid start to the day. I just couldn't calm down, was high strung, and generally stressed until about 6pm that night.

Has this happened to anyone else out there? It was awful, I do not recommend.

{More cool artwork}
colorful art outside a school

6. Henry's second opinion appointment went very well and we are officially in love with the new vet. He spent ample time explaining everything and basically, he feels comfortable watching both the heart murmur and the teeth because neither is bad enough to warrant hundreds of dollars in tests right now.

He graded the heart murmur with a lower score than the previous vet and said many dogs live their whole life with a murmur and suffer no side effects. We will simply watch for any signs of distress and track it as we go--no worries there.

His teeth are in Stage One of the gum disease spectrum which basically means they are completely normal for a 3 year old dog. He does not recommend a teeth cleaning because they aren't problematic and once you begin surgical cleanings you will most likely need them very often. We are simply not ready to begin this process with him at a young age and instead, we bought some Greenies to manage his tartar at home. Henry is one happy dog, you guys.

Thanks for all the kind thoughts and recommendations. We feel like this new vet is 100% what we needed---and his advice makes sense to us, without scaring the bajeezus out of us in the process. Looks like Henry will not cost us an additional 1k....at least not right now:)

{pretty texture on a tree}
nature's texture

7. The weather is divine today and is supposed to reach 58 degrees before the day is finished. It's sunny but with a crisp breeze to remind us that Spring has not officially sprung....but we're getting there. We even have a window cracked open and there is nothing more therapeutic than fresh air sweeping through a house. In fact, it inspired us to DEEP clean our place yesterday. Again, nothing makes me happier than an insanely clean home and if you mix in a dash of sunshine I'm a regular doll to be around for a change. Keep it up, Mother Nature. I love you right now.

{rusty fence plays nicely with narrow depth of field}
DOF attempt

8. My 1.8 is scheduled to arrive on Wednesday but I'm secretly hoping it shows up today since I'm off and it's beautiful outside. A girl can dream, right?

{wispy branches are pretty, even if there is absolutely no signs of spring buds just yet}

9. I love running outside. It's about a bajillion times better than treadmill running, even if you are taking the personal TVs into account. Fresh air beats ANTM anyday. In fact, I'm tempted to run for the third day in a row outside even though my knees will protest. We shall see...

{now that's what I'm talking about, Spring is coming!}
sign of spring?

10. I need to thicken my skin a bit more and wear my 'crazy photographer' mask with pride. I still feel so creepy taking pictures of any and everything in public. I know people are staring at me, like "What the heck is she doing taking pictures of that sign/tree/house?" I think I need to get over it, don't you?

{welcome to MKE!}

11. I'm going to Chicago in two weeks for a fabulous bachelorette party. I'm already excited for the numerous photographic opportunities that await me. I wonder if it would be disasterous to take my camera with me to the bars? Hmmmm....must weigh the pros and cons for that one. Daytime shooting is must with all of the awesome skyscrapers and whatnot. Bar scenes are a little more risky, I suppose...

{I've started to collect photos of the technicolor houses in Milwaukee. This pink one is at the top of my list for sure.}
pink house

12. I'm almost done with Twilight and it's still ''pretty good'' if you ask me. I think reading it this late in the game almost made the hype more than any book could handle but we'll see how I feel at the end of it. I will admit that I have a strong urge to stare at pictures of Rob Pattinson all day long, just so I can get the visual and drool a little.

{a cool orange house near us. Many more in my Flickr account if interested}

13. I have a little down time in between albums for J.Lorene and had the most fabulous idea the other day. I'm going to attempt my 2009 album in real time....meaning, I'll try to keep up with my hundreds of pictures as the year goes along so I'm not so overwhelmed at the end of the year when I go to make our yearly album. In fact, I've decided to make this year's album correlate with the blog quite a bit because I've always wanted to make a 'blog book' with posts I write. So why not make our yearly album full of pictures and text from our life? I'm very excited about this now but we'll see if I can keep up all year long.

You can go here to see the full size version on Flickr, but here is an example of a page full of both pictures and my post about Henry's R-Squared:

a page from 2009

Whew, miscellanies wear me out. Now I'm off to enjoy this awesome day while pretending I don't have to work on Saturday to make up for this time off. I'm good at pretending sometimes.
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