Sabtu, 22 Juli 2017

Crazy Busy Week

This week has been crazy busy.
The first few weeks of school are always so busy with meetings, etc.
When I sat down & looked at our calendar for the week I wasn't sure how I was going to survive the week. I had 2 before school meetings & 1 after school meeting.
Oh yeah, and Claire's Birthday Party is this weekend! Yeah!

The busyness started last Friday with an impromptu block party on our court to celebrate surviving the first week of school.

Saturday we had THREE parties.
A 3rd birthday party, a Fiesta at our neighbors house & then a combo 1 year old/10 year old birthday party for these kids:
Sunday we had church & I had a photo shoot while Kevin swam with the girls.
Of course now that summer is over & the school has started the weather is in the high 90's.

Monday was pretty mellow, so I read the ginormous Restoration Hardware magazine/catalog that came in the mail. I wonder how many trees were killed in making that catalog.
Tuesday's Tomato Harvest:
And, our watermelon! Anyone know when a watermelon is ready to pick?
Wednesday was a whirlwind. I had school, then I dropped off a meal to my friend Nicole who just had baby (Taco Soup!)
Then I had a 2 hour math meeting. Fun. Fun.
Kate wore my shoes when I got home.
Last night was Back to School Night. I may or may not have made my Presentation 2 hours before it started. Queen of Procrastination!
Kate took a picture of her room:
Today I was in charge of bringing in breakfast & Friday Treats for our staff. Normally I make homemade stuff. Not this year....Costco to the rescue! is officially College Football Season!!!!
Colorado plays Hawaii tomorrow night.
The girls are ready to wear their new shirts & cheer on the Buffs!
Oh yeah, and LOTS of birthday party prep was done this week!
Here's a sneak peak:
Assembling favors!
I still have a TON more to do for the party!
It is going to be fun! I can't wait!

Linking up here:
life rearranged

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