Rabu, 05 Juli 2017

10 on 10 June 2012

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!
{Document a snapshot of your life & find beauty among the ordinary things in your day!}

Coffee Cake Breakfast before church.
(I always make a yummy breakfast treat on Saturday mornings so that we have something good to eat on the weekend mornings!)
Our playbill from our date night last night. Kevin & I saw Mary Poppins on Broadway that was showing in the Bay Area. Very entertaining!
What I wore to church...31 weeks tomorrow! Eeek!
Kate making her PB & J for lunch:
It was a beautiful day out & we had lunch outside. The girls both wanted to sit by Kevin, so they moved their chairs so he was in the middle. I had the rest of the table to myself :) I swear this baby is going to come out loving panini's. I could eat them everyday. Today's version was ham, cheddar cheese & tomatoes on sourdough. YUM.
Kevin finishing up touch up paint in our master bathroom.
Claire giving "Bunny" a ride on her bike.
The hydrangeas in my front yard are starting to bloom!
I spent most of the afternoon sorting through bins of the girls old clothes that I have in the garage. I am still trying to get through my 40 Bags in 40 days.
Dinner! Cheeseburgers with pepper jack cheese & BBQ sauce (and the lettuce is from our garden! yay!)
Linking up here!
ten on ten button

Hope you had a great 10th!
Not pictured in my set was the meltdowns that Claire had today. Wow, she had quite the day of not listening & being defiant. Kevin put her to bed at 7pm.
Sad the weekend is over, but the good news is it's the last week of school!!!!
Summer is almost here! I can't wait!

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