Selasa, 25 Juli 2017

Hello world

Miss Cecelia just wanted to stop by and say HI to all of the blog world:)







We are all doing well, should go home tomorrow (on Wednesday). Love this sleepy first few days of life when it's so exciting to see her awake for minutes at a time:) This time in the hospital is just so magical and emotional and hormonal. I love it so much. I wish I could bottle it all up and relive it each day for the rest of our lives. But I suppose getting to watch this little girl grow up will be just as amazing.

Cece is a fabulous nurser, my milk is already in which boggles my mind, and Truman is seriously the sweetest big brother ever. It's making my heart explode watching them together as he asks to hold her and then he kisses her unprompted.

I still can't believe she is out, and that I didn't have to get induced since I was still 0 cm dilated on Friday at my OB appointment. It was quite the quick labor and perfect timing since Nate is off all week and I knew I could NOT still be working this week even if I was pregnant. I get my full 12 weeks off with my daughter now! We had a fabulous anniversary together on Sunday, went to dinner, and then that night labor started out of the blue. Funny how that happens, huh? I was 39 weeks and 5 days when she was born and can't believe my body figured it out without Pitocin! And yes, Nate loves my quote about the epidural---what I meant was that when I was in that very dark moment, waiting for the epidural to kick in, I had a moment of clarity. After Truman's birth I felt kind of wimpy for getting an epidural and this time I was really hoping to avoid one as long as possible. I just felt like I should have been tough enough to do it without the meds and questioned how difficult the contractions really were in hindsight. Well this time, when I hit a breaking point with the pain and the intensity and the anxiety I just wanted to tell my future self that I should NOT second guess this decision for the meds. Because in that moment, I knew there was absolutely no way I could have gone on without an epidural and I didn't want to regret that decision again. I'll write more in my birth story but man, labor and delivery is HARD STUFF with or without meds.

Everyone is saying that Cecelia is the spitting image of her big brother (aside from her crazy/amazing hair!) and sometimes I agree, but sometimes I think she is totally different. Either way, she is absolutely amazing and worth the past year of craziness and worries to get her here. I would do it all 100 times over to have her safe in our arms.

Birth story, nursery reveal, and lots of details coming soon!

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