Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

The Birth Story in pictures

Before I can put it all into words (still trying to gather my thoughts on this amazing experience)...let's view the birth story in pictures:


hello contractions...

This is why I'm hot:

again with the contractions...bottom line shows them:

Oh, Pitocin. Why are you so awful/amazing. More to come:

And then, he was born! Just like that. HA HA HA. Stay tuned.

My little egg head:) Scoring high on the Apgars with an 8 then a 9. He knows how to make his PT parents very happy.

My OB is rather happy to have him out, too:) She canceled office visits to run up to the hospital and deliver me when she wasn't even the one on call. Did I mention that I love her?


First picture of Daddy and Truman:

Mommy and Truman. Cannot believe I'm posting this on the internet. As Nate says, 'I've never seen you looking THIS tired.' I know, it's warranted and all, but hello bags under eyes!

Our first family picture. A sweaty mess...

The next morning, with my parents. Proud grandparents #1!

And Nate with his Mom, proud grandparent #2. Don't worry, Grandpa made it to visit multiple times, too, but had to work so they missed their whole family shot this date. Boo!

First time we saw his eyes really open up and little expressions like this:


Sigh. I could go on with more but you get the idea. It was amazing, awful, and the best day of my entire life the day my son was born. So surreal that I still feel like I'm dreaming when I look into his eyes. I can't believe he is all ours and we get to keep him!

Off to stare some more...

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