Sabtu, 29 Juli 2017

The Best Car Seat Covers!

I get asked a lot what are some must haves or "needs" for my second (and third) time around having a baby. Definitely one thing I knew this time that is a need is a really good car seat cover. With Bradley I had one of those "free" (where you pay like $15 for shipping so not really free) car seat covers that just attach to the handle bars so if you even hit a bit of wind your baby is exposed.  Those are ok for indoors, but there are so many times you need your baby(ies) more covered than that! This time I had been following Milk Snob on Instagram and knew I had to have one (then two once I knew we were having twins!) to really keep the girls covered when in public.

A lot of people have heard of Milk Snob from when they were featured on Shark Tank and the sharks were loving it as much as us moms! The second I received my covers I could tell I was going to be obsessed. They are insanely soft, super versatile and so stylish - the stripes are so me! :) I couldn't wait for the girls to arrive to try them out!

The top of the cover has a nice opening that stretches and you can pull down to see the baby, or leave up and have a tiny peeking hole. And I am not sure how the fabric is so amazing but it is awesome - it stretches a ton but bounces right back in place.

When we left the hospital when they were not quite three days old I forgot the covers at home - big mistake! I didn't realize how much of a sideshow twins are and how much attention they get. Fresh babies coming through - keep your germs away! I basically ran with the stroller to get outside to our car hearing, "twins!" about five times in our short walk through the hospital. Eek!

So fresh they still have tags! :)

I was much more prepared a few days later at our first pediatrician appointment. The girls arrived in style and very covered. Love!

Leaving the ped appointment and next to the van looking Mom AF. :)

Then we had our first Target trip! We received lots of compliments on our stroller and covers. And a few "good job Mama!" from sweet and supportive moms. These are so necessary when out in public places like this - the germs are EVERYWHERE.

Matching the covers like a boss :)

These covers have more uses than just being a car seat cover as well. They can be a breastfeeding cover, shopping cart cover, used over a high chair/swing/Mamaroo - so many options! These would be the perfect baby shower gift - or get a gift card since there are so many different prints for the mom/dad to pick out!

So this is one of my must haves with a new baby! And I plan on leaving the house more than we do now and then these will really get a ton of use. :)  

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