Selasa, 04 Juli 2017
Resolutions A Word for 2013
Happy 2013 (a few days late!)
I love welcoming in a New Year.
I love looking back & reflecting on the past year and looking forward to the fresh start of a new year.
Before we look at my resolutions, let's take a look at how I did on my 2012 resolutions:
Since I am a teacher, I love "grading" myself on how I did.
1. Read 1 book a month.
Well, I didn't read 1 book a month (that whole having a newborn got in the way) But I did read 10 books this past year, so I give myself a B-.
2. Go on a date with Kevin once a month, no kids.
2. Go on a date with Kevin once a month, no kids.
Yeah....that didn't happen either. Again, the whole 3rd baby and newborn thing.
I give us a D.....this NEEDS to change in 2013.
3. Try not to hit snooze 5 times when my alarm goes off.
3. Try not to hit snooze 5 times when my alarm goes off.
I am inconsistent. I did really good for a few months. Then it was summer, so no alarm! But, then, when it was time to go back to work after my maternity leave.....there I go again, hitting the snooze.
Again, I blame being exhausted from having a newborn & 3 kids.
I give myself a C-.
(Side note: I have shifted the blame to my kids for the first 3 resolutions that I didn't follow through on. Sorry kids. Ha!)
4. I am going to Simplify.
4. I am going to Simplify.
I give myself an A- on this. In 2012, I did 40 Bags in 40 Days
and got rid of SO much stuff. It might have taken me 5 months, not 40 days, but Hey! I finished.
5. Keep my car clean.
Again, I am inconsistent with this, so I give myself a C+
Can I blame it on my kids again? They are the ones who trash my car. Ha!
6. Drink more water.
6. Drink more water.
If you know me, you know that I do not like water.
I could live off coffee, Diet Coke & Wine :)
BUT, since I was pregnant for 8 months of 2012, I did awesome at drinking water. When I am pregnant the only thing I drink is water (and sometimes juice) so I give myself a B+ for the year of drinking more water.
I would have given myself an A, but once I gave birth to Luke, my water intake has dropped big time.
7. Figure out a Laundry System.
Haven't really figured out a system.
In fact, as I sit here typing this, there is a pile of clean laundry that needs to be folded and another clean load in the dryer (that has been there for 2 days.) So, I give myself a C+ on this because I feel like overall I have gotten better about not letting laundry pile up so much this year, but again, the whole newborn thing adds SO much more laundry. I was really on top of things until my maternity leave was over. Still searching for a good laundry system.
8. Host a wine tasting party for our neighbors.
FAIL. That didn't happen, so I get an F. I was pregnant for 8 months in 2012, so why would I want to host a wine party when I couldn't even drink it?!?! So selfish, I know :) Hope to make it happen in 2013.
9. No more piles!
I will have to give myself a B with this. My piles are lessening around the house, but they haven't disappeared completely.
10. Set boundaries.
I am a people pleaser. It is SO hard for me to say "No" to things because I am such a people pleaser. But, I have been learning that it is okay to say No and it is good to have boundaries. But, I feel like I got an A- in this category this year! Yay for progress!
Even though I am a failure with most of these, I still make resolutions each year.
I think it is good to take time to reflect as the year comes to a close and a new one begins.
I think it is good to take time to reflect as the year comes to a close and a new one begins.
So, here are my resolutions for 2013:
1. Date night with Kevin once a month. Yes, I know I said it last year, but we REALLY need to do this. With 3 kids & both of us working, we need to be even more intentional about date nights so we can reconnect as husband & wife and best friends.
2. Stick to a budget. We don't really have a budget. We don't spend outside our means, but do we really know how we are spending our money? (I know, at Target!) But in all seriousness, I need to figure out how much I spend on necessitates versus how much I spend on frivolous & dumb things.
3. Meal Planning. I am pretty good at meal planning. But, I have gotten lazy about it (can I blame having 3 kids again?) I used to be really good about sitting down on Sunday after church & meal planing for the whole week. I want to get back to doing this.
4. Try out 3 new recipes a month. I feel like I am always cooking the same things for dinner. So, my goal for 2013 is to try out 3 new recipes a month! This will be helpful with my meal planning also!
5.Get the girls to eat better. We have PICKY eaters. I have fallen into the bad habit of making them something different from what Kevin & I have. So, in 2013, I am going to do better at making them eat a bigger variety of foods besides mac&cheese, chicken nuggets, PB&J, grilled cheese, pizza & hot dogs. I am going to have them start eating what we eat. I know this will take baby steps, but it needs to happen.
6. Laundry. For real. I need to figure out a system. I might have to bite the bullet & start doing it everyday. But that also means I need to start folding it and putting it away each day. *sigh*
I despise laundry.
7. Take better care of myself. So many times I go to bed without washing my face (I know....terrible)
I don't exercise (I am blessed with good metabolism) but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be active. I know it will give me more energy. I was a former college athlete for crying out loud. It's just healthy to be active. Hey, we got Just Dance 4 for Christmas, so that's a start :) And by taking better care of myself I guess that means I shouldn't have ice cream every night. Also, by taking care of myself that includes being more daring with my wardrobe and not being stuck wearing the same old boring things. (More on this next week!)
8. Be more intentional with the girls. I feel bad that often times when they ask me to play with them, etc I have to say "No" or "In a minute" because I am nursing Luke or dealing with him. I feel like the past few months I have been in survival mode and I haven't gotten to really do fun things with them. They are really good about playing together and they love each other, but I feel like I have taken that for granted. I miss doing fun things like baking with them, etc.
9. Go to bed earlier. I am queen of the midnight bedtime. I am a night owl. I would stay up until 1 or 2 every night if I didn't have to work. But, I know I am a better wife, mom & teacher when I get more sleep, so I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to be more disciplined with my bedtime.
10. Do 40 Bags in 40 Days again this year. This was SO good for me to do and I can't wait to do it again. Even though I just finished it this summer, I feel the clutter & stuff creeping back in and I don't like it.
This leads me to my word of the year.
Each year I pick a word to focus on for the year.
In 2010, I chose Intentional.
In 2011, I chose Cherish.
In 2012, I chose Nurture.
In 2013, my word is:

I feel like many times I am running around like a crazy person.
(Probably because I am!!!!!)
With 3 kids, one of them being a baby, life can be busy (for those of you who have more than 3, I don't know how you do it. PROPS to you.)
In 2013, I want to SIMPLIFY so that I don't feel like a crazy person.
LESS is the new MORE.
I want to Simpify my time by saying NO to things. I am a YES girl, a people pleaser.
I am trying to re-train my brain that it is OKAY to say No to things. This has been a long process. I still have work to do with this.
I want to Simplify my house. Like I mentioned earlier, last year, I did 40 Bags in 40 Days and I 100% plan on doing it again this Spring. My closets & cupboards are feeling disorganized & cluttered again. When my home is not organized, I feel like the rest of my life is unorganized. I want to get rid of more STUFF and feel peace in our home.
I want to Simplify my shopping. Again, this goes back to the budget things.
Do I REALLY need that cardigan at Target when I have a closet full of cardigans?
Even though it is "on sale" or a good price, that doesn't mean I need it.
Do I really need that stuff from the Dollar Bin? Hey! It's only $1.
No, I don't need it.
I want to Simplify my shopping.
I need to Simplify by making ONE meal for our family, not making a meal for Claire, a meal for Kate and a meal for Kevin & I.
I need to Simplify our schedules. I am a very social person. I like saying YES to every event. But I need to stop squeezing in everything we are invited to, like going to 3 parties in one day.
I need to Simplify our schedules. I am a very social person. I like saying YES to every event. But I need to stop squeezing in everything we are invited to, like going to 3 parties in one day.
I need to Simplify "myself". More of God & My Family and less of "me".
I read this quote a few weeks ago and it spoke to me.
"SIMPLIFY: To eliminate those things we don't need or that may take away from the more important things in our lives"
I am excited to live a more simple life this year.
How about you? Do you have a resolutions or a word of the year?
I would love to hear about them!
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