Senin, 17 Juli 2017

More Makeup

One of the reasons I wanted to start a blog was that I absolutely LOVE reading other women's blogs.  Fashion, beauty, decor, anything!  I felt since I was soaking up everyone else's amazing ideas I should give back and share some of my own.  At times it makes me feel super vulnerable putting myself out there (and by at times I mean all the time), but then I think that if I never tried, I would maybe look back and regret not attempting this little blog.

So onward I go!  My first Makeup post is still one of my most viewed (totally because it was linked by Iowa Girl Eats - love you Kristin!) and the Makeup Additions also received quite a bit of attention.  I thought I should keep going with some more makeup posts!

I haven't always used an eyelash curler, but in the past year I have been converted.  I NEVER use the curler on lashes that already have mascara on - that is a great way for you to rip out your lashes.  But pre-mascara, they can give a nice curl to lashes that will really open your eyes!  My SIL got me the Shseido curler for Christmas and I really like it!  I'm not sure I am knowledgeable enough in curlers to know a difference between the cheap ones and more expensive ones, but I do enjoy it!

Shut the front door, I am obsessed with this amazing dupe!  Pale Pink Bobbi Brown = Elf Pink Passion.  I know in this photo they look different, but on the cheeks (face, people) they are both perfection!  I will probably still get my Pale Pink Bobbi Brown color just because I love it so, but the Elf Pink Passion is perfect for everyday use since it is $3!

One of my girlfriends works at Sigma Beauty, and I became hooked on their brushes!  My newest addition is the P80.  I'm still learning all my favorite uses for it, but currently I love using this to finish blending in concealer after dabbing with my fingers.

Speaking of brushes, cleaning them is a necessary evil.  I use the Mac brush cleanser to soak my brushes for a few minutes, then I use a gentle shampoo in my hand to get the last bits out of the brushes.  I try and clean my brushes at least once a month.  There are so many germs hiding in brushes.  If you haven't cleaned your brushes recently, do your skin a favor and go wash them right now.

So dirty!


I know I have mentioned them before, but I just LOVE MMandLShow!  Here is my all time favorite video.  I loved Michelle Money on the Bachelor (was I the only one that could see her humor and not think she was a psycho?).  Her style, makeup, hair, everything was always perfection and my highlight of the show!  Screw the fake relationship - show me the (Michelle) Money! :)  I am also OBSESSING over this new Spring Makeup tutorial they posted.  So gorgeous!

Thank you so much for reading!  I am very excited to see that I hit 50,000 all time views!  I know in blog land that is nothing, but since this is only a few months old it makes me excited.  Here's to 50,000 more! :)

Anyone have any new Spring makeup finds you cannot live without?

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