Kamis, 13 Juli 2017

Snapshots from Christmas

Christmas is always a magical time, but for me, with a baby in the house it makes it even that much more magical. Here are my 3 on Christmas Eve as we headed out to church for the Christmas Eve service.
Growing up, we opened up all our presents on Christmas Eve, so we headed to Mimi & Jimmy's after church.

 Brother Cousins celebrating their 1st Christmas both with Argyle Vests.

 My sister Elyse got me the greatest gift, a mason jar wine glass. Love it!
Then it was time to head home, get the kids in bed & play Santa.
Kate wanted to leave the milk in a Giants cup because "Santa is a Giants Fan". Yes he is Kate, yes he is.
All set for the morning...before midnight. That's a first!
 Kate was up at 8, but Claire didn't wake up until after 9:15! Finally, it was time to head downstairs:
So excited they got Play-doh machines. The only thing Kate asked for. I am not a play doh fan (the mess!!!!) but since it was the one and only thing she wanted, I HAD to get it for them.
Luke's 1st Christmas. Love it.
Not too sure about the bouncer Santa brought.
I only got Luke 3 things for Christmas (he's a baby, doesn't know the difference) and one of those items was this hat I got at Old Navy. I am OBSESSED with him wearing it. Ack. So cute.
The girls got hats also...that I found at Safeway!
Then it was back to Mimi & Jimmy's for the day. 
My dad makes a 3 meat breakfast/brunch every Christmas. I eat 2 meals on Christmas. This and dinner.
 Our dinner this year was Filet Minagon. And, the PW's mushrooms. And green bean casserole. And I made my loaded mashed potatoes with bacon. So much good food.
And, good wine.
One of favorite games to play as a family is Mexican Train Dominoes.
It was a nice, mellow Christmas. And, by December 26th it was all taken down.
 We put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving, so by Christmas it is shedding & ready to be taken down.
 It's always bittersweet taking down Christmas. 
I love the Christmas songs & reflecting on Christ's birth and that a he is our Savior is here to save us.
I love our house during Christmas. I love the lights, the tree & the decorations.
But when it's over, I get sad it's over, so I put it all away & anxiously await until next year to put it all up.
Hope you had a Merry, Merry Christmas as well!

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