Kamis, 27 Juli 2017

Three things

1. I gave my blog it's monthly face lift today, so for those of you who read through Google Reader, you may want to see the new decor:) I'm completely guilty of reading blogs the lazy way through GR, too, and miss the real layouts.

2. I've spent my day off doing the following: sleeping until 9 am [went to be at 10 pm!], laundry, car wash [it was hideous and felt neglected], and scouring the internet for our anniversary trip. My new idea: KEY WEST! I'm still keeping Napa and Boston at the top of our "must see" list, but right now the beach is calling. And we've always wanted to see Key west. Look at these pictures and try not to drool:

Do you see what I see? The LOW in May/June is 78 degrees. The low, people. The highs are in the 80s which is my ideal temperature. This aspect sells me instantly on Florida. Also, I really want to keep this vacation under 2k for the hotel [5 nights], flights, and food/drink. It CAN be done but we just need to research a bit. I'm also toying with the idea of Mexico because it's usually inexpensive but we'll see. Right now I'm all about Key West but I have to run it by the big guy when he gets home.

3. Apparently, I might have the day off tomorrow. My boss and co-workers basically told me on Saturday that I looked "tired" and "worn out" the whole day. I think they feel sorry for me and my dark circled eyes because I've been working my arse off there then attempting to work 0n the house in the evenings. So they've pulled some strings and told me to call in the morning, just in case they get hit hard with new evals, but otherwise I'm off tomorrow! Cross your fingers that we don't have a rash of ankle fractures on our death trap ice because I'd LOVE another day to breathe. Not to mention that Nate also has a day off so I could actually spend some time with my husband for once. Shocking concept, I know.

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